il portale dei parchi italiani

DVDs, CDs e CD-Rom

Atlante dei fiori delle Alpi Sud-occidentali

CD ROM (in Power Point)

Atlante dei fiori delle Alpi Sud-occidentali
The work consists of color pictures, selected from the rich archives of the authors, illustrating over 2,000 species present in Alpi Liguri, Marittime, and Cozie Meridionali through a route developing from Capo Noli, in western Liguria, along Val Roia, the valleys of Cuneese, Val TinĂ , and Queyras. A territory including several protected areas, like Alpi Marittime Park, Alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro Park, and the French Mercantour National Park.
The Cd-rom ends with a section of views of the mountains from Marguareis to Monviso.
  • Author/s: Giorgio Pallavicini, Marziano Pascale
  • Publisher: Parco naturale Alpi Marittime
  • Price: 25.00 €  

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PR Alpi Marittime

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Gadgets, Maps, Guidebooks, and Publications, Multimedia