il portale dei parchi italiani

DVDs, CDs e CD-Rom

DVD - Il sentiero delle Foreste Sacre

Foreste Casentinesi National Park between Nature and Spirituality

DVD - Il sentiero delle Foreste Sacre
Interactive Video and DVD
The interactive DVD "Il sentiero delle Foreste Sacre" developed by the National Park contains the landscapes, emotions, and information of a route crossing the whole protected area in seven laps, from Lago di Ponte di Tredozio to La Verna. Seven days in the forest, visiting the most significant spiritual and historical places: from the most famous monastic settlements to the simple and humble signs of popular religiousness.
  • Development: Emmedue videoproduction
  • Production: Clementi Editore
  • Size: 13.5x19cm
  • Year: 2009
  • Price: 11.00 €  

Notes: Idea and coordination: Servizio Promozione, Conservazione, Ricerca e Divulgazione della Natura del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi
Trail markers planning and coordination: Servizio Pianificazione e Gestione delle Risorse

Order online at Emporio dei Parchi

Logo PN Foreste Casentinesi
PN Foreste Casentinesi
(Emilia-Romagna, Toscana)

Further Items per Category:
Gadgets, Maps, Guidebooks, and Publications, Multimedia