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Maps and Guidebooks

Cofanetto percorsi ciclabili Parco Fluviale Gesso e Stura

Slipcase including eight cards illustrating the cycling routes in the Park and around Cuneo, card holder, and map of the Park

Cofanetto percorsi ciclabili Parco Fluviale Gesso e Stura
Routes "Il Parco con la città dentro": 1,500 hectares of natural river environment for sport, didactics, spare time, and culture a few steps from Cuneo town center. A Green Network of cycling-pedestrian routes, developing at the moment for about 40 km, will reach the 100 km of length and connect the four nature reserves and the seven recreational areas.
"I percorsi cicloturistici attorno a Cuneo": three cycling routes picked out by the Bikes Office of the Municipality of Cuneo, mainly developing along secondary roads that give the opportunity to observe the landscape and cycle slowly and safely. You will discover ancient ways of communication connecting villages, farmsteads, villas, and factories with winding paths respecting the fields and the canals.
  • Publisher: Parco Fluviale Gesso e Stura
  • Size: 18x16cm (slipcase)
  • Year: 2009
  • Price: 5.00 €  

Order online at Emporio dei Parchi

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PR Gesso e Stura

Further Items per Category:
Gadgets, Maps, Guidebooks, and Publications, Multimedia