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Maps and Guidebooks

Guida escursionistica - Sentieri nel Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso-Laga

120 itinerari con dati GPS

Guida escursionistica - Sentieri nel Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso-Laga
Pocket-sized hiking-tourist guide dedicated to the Gran Sasso d'Italia and the Laga Mountains. Available also in english with the title "Hikes in the Gran Sasso-Laga National Park" the guide proposes 120 paths described by a professional walker to explore the many aspects of the Park and choose among comfortable walks suitable for all, demanding hikes, routes between hiking and mountaineering.

The detailed descriptions of the itineraries also provide technical information (difference in height, durations, difficulty levels, marks, GPS data), which are fundamental to plan the itinerary. The guide is equipped with 7 cartographical tables on a scale 1:100.000 and with a detailed table on a scale 1:25.000 dedicated to the central area of the Gran Sasso.
  • Series: Guide Iter
  • Author/s: Stefano Ardito
  • Publisher: Iter Edizioni
  • Pages: 190
  • Size: 11,5x21,5cm
  • Year: 2013
  • Price: 10.00 €  

Notes: The English version of the guide is also available

Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi

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PN Gran Sasso
(Marche, Abruzzo, Lazio)

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Gadgets, Maps, Guidebooks, and Publications, Multimedia