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    Rossola Lakes (PR Adamello lombardo) (photo by PR Adamello Lombardo)


1655 Itineraries. Results from no. 561 to no. 580Sorting: Georef. > Itinerary


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Georef. ItineraryTravelling method Interest
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Apennine&#39;s Far WestThe Apennine's Far West
From Seggiovia dello Stellaro to Seggiovia dello Stellaro
(PR Frignano)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
6 h 8 m
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe archaeological pathThe archaeological path
(PR Beigua)
On foot On foot
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Beigua circular routeThe Beigua circular route
Departure: Varazze
(PR Beigua)
By bike By bike
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Botanical Garden of Porto CaleriThe Botanical Garden of Porto Caleri
The Po Delta Park environment's in a single walk
Departure: Parcheggio Località Porto Caleri, Rosolina Mare
(PR Delta Po Veneto)
On foot On foot
easy, ring tour
2 h
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itinerary The Botanical Path of the Desert Hermitage
Departure: Eremo
(PR Beigua)
On foot On foot
T - Tourist (level)
1 h
Great interest: Flora 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe canyon in the Val GargassaThe canyon in the Val Gargassa
(PR Beigua)
On foot On foot
EE - For expert hikers
4 h
Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Carolingian RouteThe Carolingian Route
The Mantua stretch of Charlemagne's travel from Aachen to Rome
Departure: Cavriana
(PR Mincio)
By bike By bike
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Engineer ItineraryThe Engineer Itinerary
Departure: Motta
(PR Beigua)
On foot On foot
EE - For expert hikers
3 h 30 m
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe glacial lakesThe glacial lakes
From Lago Santo Modenese to Lago Santo Modenese
(PR Frignano)
On foot On foot
EE - For expert hikers
4 h 57 m
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Great Trail of Orvieto (GAO)The Great Trail of Orvieto (GAO)
Departure: Orvieto
(PR Monte Peglia)
On foot By bike On horseback On foot
E - Hiking (level)
11 days
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Gypsum WayThe Gypsum Way
A walk from Imola to Faenza within Parco della Vena del Gesso Romagnola, in the midst of nature, culture, and local products
Departure: Imola
(PR Vena Gesso Romagnola)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Isle of Ariano and the ancient Roman roadThe Isle of Ariano and the ancient Roman road
Po Delta landscapes between ancient history and modern history
Departure: Parcheggio sede del Parco, Via G. Marconi 6
(PR Delta Po Veneto)
On foot By bike By bike
4 h
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Archeology Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Isle of Polesine CameriniThe Isle of Polesine Camerini
Go cycling under the shadow of the old industrial giant
Departure: Piazza Alcide De Gasperi Polesine Camerini
(PR Delta Po Veneto)
On foot By bike By bike
2.00 h by bike, 6.00 h on foot
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Mantova-PeschieraThe Mantova-Peschiera
Italy's longest green highway
Departure: Piazzale di porta Mulina, parcheggio a fianco della ferrovia
(PR Mincio)
By bike By bike
Average long trail with no particular difficulties...
6 hours (including the pauses and the visits to th...
Great interest: Religion Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe moraine hills: from the prehistory to the Middle AgesThe moraine hills: from the prehistory to the Middle Ages
Archeomincio - itinerary n. 1
Departure: Peschiera del Garda
(PR Mincio)
By bike Car By bike
Great interest: Archeology 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Ornithological TrailThe Ornithological Trail
(PR Beigua)
On foot On foot
T - Tourist (level)
1 h
Great interest: Bird Watching 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Park Trail (Trail No 1)The Park Trail (Trail No 1)
From Casona di Marano sul Panaro to Zocca
(PR Sassi Roccamalatina)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
10 h 1 m
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe path of villasThe path of villas
Departure: Inverigo
(PR Valle del Lambro)
On foot By bike By bike
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Plateaus from the top of Monte TrellaThe Plateaus from the top of Monte Trella
Twenty thousand steps between Umbria and Marche
Departure: Colfiorito - Sede del parco
(PR Colfiorito)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
4 h
Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Archeology Great interest: Photography 
Map with georeferenced itineraryThe Prince&#39;s ItineraryThe Prince's Itinerary
Discovering cultural and artistic points of interest in the Gonzaga city
Departure: Mantova, Palazzo Te
(PR Mincio)
On foot By bike On foot
Great interest: Religion Great interest: History 

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