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     (PN Arcipelago Toscano) (photo by PN Arcipelago Toscano)


96 Products. Results from no. 61 to no. 80 (Sorting: Category > Product)


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Quality Brands

PGI - Protected Geographical Indication
Variegated Radicchio from Castelfranco Veneto PGIVariegated Radicchio from Castelfranco Veneto PGI
Variegated Radicchio from Castelfranco Veneto PGI was born from a 19th century cross between Treviso... >>
(PR Fiume Sile)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Vatolla OnionVatolla Onion
The name comes from a hamlet of the Perdifumo municipality. The onion has a tapered shape and the ou... >>
(PN Cilento)
Vegetables and Legumes
 Pignone Potato Bread
Features: bread made with flour and potatoes, round or tapered, with a small size. It does not weigh... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
Features: Simple scones made with flour, water, and salt, cooked in the characteristic earthenware p... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
Belonging to the Veneridae family, the Delta clam is a mollusk characterised by an ovaloid shell, sl... >>
(PR Delta Po Veneto)
  Clams "Vongola di Goro"Clams "Vongola di Goro"
At Sacca di Goro, in the northernmost portion of Parco Delta del Po Emilia-Romagna, in the province ... >>
(PR Delta Po ER)
Slow Food Presidium
Menaica AnchoviesMenaica Anchovies
Anchovies fishing, which is still carried out with the so-called menaica (traditional net) and menai... >>
(PN Cilento)
Production Area: La Spezia Gulf Product Description: Mussel farming in S. Teresa farming structure,... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
  Pink OysterPink Oyster
The Pink Oyster, farmed with the Tabouriech method, takes its name from the shell colour; it is farm... >>
(PR Delta Po Veneto)
Slow Food Presidium

Traditional Marinated Eel of Valli di ComacchioTraditional Marinated Eel of Valli di Comacchio
Situated between river Po, river Reno, and the Adriatic Sea, Valli di Comacchio are a very important... >>
(PR Delta Po ER)
Gigante nera d&#39;ItaliaGigante nera d'Italia
Features: Gigante Nera breed has been selected in Liguria since 1929, specially for the features of ... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
BIO - Organic Farming
 Maremmana Cow Meat
Meat of pure Maremmana cow breed or crossbreed formed by Romagnola, Chianina, Marchigiana, Charolais... >>
(RR Macchiatonda)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
  Madonie Black WheatMadonie Black Wheat
An ancient durum wheat with a low gluten index that recaptures the ancient flavours of the peasant c... >>
(PR Madonie)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
Production Area: La Spezia and inland Product Description: Soup made with beans, spelt, chick-peas... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
PGI - Protected Geographical Indication
PGI Po Delta RicePGI Po Delta Rice
The Rice of the Po Delta is cultivated between the Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, in the areas formed by... >>
(PR Delta Po Veneto)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
Slow Food Presidium
Gioi BrawnGioi Brawn
The historical information on Gioi brawn date back to 1835, as demonstrated by Compendio di Agricolt... >>
(PN Cilento)
Cold Cuts
 Lard Paté
Features: Fresh cold cut that must be eaten within a month: the more time passes, the more it loses ... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
Cold Cuts
Pignone SausagePignone Sausage
Features: pork sausage flavored with salt, pepper, and natural aromas like nutmeg, cinnamon, and clo... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
Cold Cuts
  Prosciutta castelnoveseProsciutta castelnovese
Features: Everyone knows ham (prosciutto in Italian), but only a few ones know the so-called "prosci... >>
(PR Montemarcello Magra)
Cold Cuts
   Raw ham and the Karst region's cold cuts
The raw ham, prepared with ancient methods as it is suggested by traditions, has a strong personalit... >>
(RR Falesie di Duino)
Cold Cuts

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