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    Lagdei drainage works Fare per Capire 2008 (PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) (photo by Appennino Tosco Emiliano)


885 Itineraries. Results from no. 181 to no. 200Sorting: Georef. > Itinerary


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Georef. ItineraryTravelling method Interest
Map with georeferenced itineraryFrom the heart of the Mincio valleys following the routes of the ancient professionsFrom the heart of the Mincio valleys following the routes of the ancient professions
Naviganting the Mincio Valleys and upper lake
Departure: Rivalta sul Mincio, Grazie di Curtatone, Mantova Ponte dei Mulini
(PR Mincio)
Boat Boat
2 to 3 hours
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 
Map with georeferenced itineraryFrom the Renaissance skyline to Virgil&#39;s Mincio by motor vesselFrom the Renaissance skyline to Virgil's Mincio by motor vessel
Motor vessel navigation from Mantua to the lower Mincio and towards the Po River
Departure: Mantova - Lago di Mezzo
(PR Mincio)
Boat Boat
1 hour/1.5 hours
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryGambarie - Reggio CalabriaGambarie - Reggio Calabria
Departure: Gambarie
Tappa 13: Cycle path of the Calabria Parks
(PN Aspromonte)
By bike By bike
2 h 20 m
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itinerary Hermitage Armenzano
Departure: Eremo delle Carceri
(PR Monte Subasio)
By bike By bike
2 h
Map with georeferenced itineraryI cadini del Brenton I cadini del Brenton
Potholes in Val del Mis
Departure: Valle del Mis
(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
On foot On foot
T - Tourist (level)
30 m
Great interest: Geology 
Map with georeferenced itineraryIl Mincio di VirgilioIl Mincio di Virgilio
In the home town of the great poet, where nature is still bucolic
Departure: Cerese
(PR Mincio)
By bike By bike
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryIn the heart of Mincio ParkIn the heart of Mincio Park
On two wheels among art, nature and the works of human intelligence
Departure: Piazzale di porta Mulina, parcheggio in fregio linea ferroviaria
(PR Mincio)
By bike By bike
medium-length, easy itinerary; most of it runs on ...
Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryItineraries on foot, by bikeand on horsebackItineraries on foot, by bikeand on horseback
Departure: Volta Mantovana
(PR Mincio)
On foot By bike On horseback On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 
Map with georeferenced itineraryItinerary of the Ancient settlements Itinerary of the Ancient settlements
Riomaggiore - Lemmen - Monesteroli - Campiglia - Fossola
(PN Cinque Terre)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
3 h 45 m
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Religion Great interest: Archeology Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryItinerary of the Sanctuaries and ChurchesItinerary of the Sanctuaries and Churches
Departure: Monterosso
(PN Cinque Terre)
On foot On foot
EE - For expert hikers
6 h 45 m
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Religion Great interest: Archeology Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryItinerary of the terraced vineyardsItinerary of the terraced vineyards
Riomaggiore - Manarola - Groppo - Volastra - Case Pianca - Corniglia
Departure: Riomaggiore
(PN Cinque Terre)
On foot On foot
EE - For expert hikers
3 h 15 m
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Religion Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryLe PorraieLe Porraie
Departure: Passo di Pradarena
(PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano)
On foot On foot
E+ - Hiking (level)+
5 h 30 m
Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryLeft bank Lago di Mezzo: from Ponte dei Mulini to Campo CanoaLeft bank Lago di Mezzo: from Ponte dei Mulini to Campo Canoa
Departure: Ponte dei Mulini
Tappa 1: Mantua's peri-urban Park
(PR Mincio)
On foot By bike On foot
Map with georeferenced itinerary Madonna della Spella Hermitage
Departure: Eremo delle Carceri
(PR Monte Subasio)
By bike By bike
2 h
Map with georeferenced itineraryMantova-Governolo (Lower Mincio - Po)Mantova-Governolo (Lower Mincio - Po)
A fascinating journey along the Mincio river banks
Departure: Mantova
(PR Mincio)
By bike By bike
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryMantua&#39;s peri-urban ParkMantua's peri-urban Park
Between nature and Renaissance
(PR Mincio)
By bike By bike
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryMantua-Governolo (Lower Mincio - Po)Mantua-Governolo (Lower Mincio - Po)
An evocative journey along the banks of the Mincio River
Departure: Mantova
(PR Mincio)
By bike By bike
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryMantua: from the lovers of Valdaro to contemporary city lifeMantua: from the lovers of Valdaro to contemporary city life
Archeomincio - Itinerary n. 3
Departure: Mantova
(PR Mincio)
On foot By bike On foot
Great interest: Archeology 
Map with georeferenced itineraryMemory TrailMemory Trail
(RR Onferno)
On foot On foot
3 h
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itinerary Mortari Trail
Departure: Monte Subasio
(PR Monte Subasio)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
4 h

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