
Parchi e Riserve del Canavese


Torre Cives

"The place is situated at the top of a highly washed away relief with calcareous schists, with limestone and magnesite breccia, and considerable opal outcrops... A territorial survey carried out in 1984 along the excavation fronts of the access road at the top and in the square has led to the recovery of some fragments of terracotta associated to iron scoriae. They consist in a few fragments of brown and not turned ceramics, except for a fragment. Among the shapes it is possible to recognize only an hemisferical bowl and the foot of a vase with an open truncated-conic plant. These finds could be dated back to a period going from the late Prehistory to the High Middle Age. The two scoriae fragments are laminated, compact, a little oxidized, smooth, almost without vacuoles".
From "Rivista di Archeologia" - Anno XI - 1987 - director: Gustavo Traversari - Università degli Studi Venezia.

The "tesoretto"

"The 'tesoretto' of Torre Cives consists of five golden coins dating back to the Byzantine period: one of Leone I and the others of Basilisco. They have been found in 1956 by some workmen during the restoration of a non-asphalt road leading to the Torre".
From "Contributi sulla romanità nel territorio di Eporedia", Giorgio Cavaglià - 1998

The solids of the two Emperors
The five golden medals are described in a 1956 document of the Monuments and Fine Arts Service of Piemonte.

  • No. 4 solids of th Emperor Basilisco (476-477), made in Italy:
    Front/ Bust with helmet and armour of the Emperor with the lance on his shoulder.
    Rear/ Victory on the left, with a long cross. In the field on the right, a star. "VICTORI-A AVGG".
    Exergue: "COMOB".
    Total value: about 37 Euros
  • No. 1 solid of the Emperor Leone (457-473), made in Constantinopole:
    Front/ Bust with helmet and armour in front of the Emperor with the lance on his shoulder.
    Rear/ Victory on the left, with a long cross. In the field on the right, a star.
    Exergue: "CONOB"
    Total value: about 6 Euros

From "Atto di stima delle monete", 18th May 1956 from the Monuments and Fine Arts Service of Piemonte.
"The 'solids' of Vidracco are coins coming from a dark historical period, and they were let out in Constantinopole: the coin of Leone I has been preserved in a wonderful way, and it belonged maybe to the emissions of the end of his kingdom (474). The four coins of Basilisco have also been perfectly preserved. They arrived in Vidracco between 476 and the first half of 477. According to the experts, the coins could be used for commercial exchanges between this area of Piemonte and the port of Genova".
From "AD QUINTUM", Bollettino del Gruppo Archeologico di Collegno - 1972

Province: Turin Region: Piedmont
(6447)Torre Cives
Torre Cives
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