
Parchi e Riserve Naturali del Lago Maggiore


Alle radici della Vita

Lecture notes of 'Corso di riavvicinamento agli alberi' (October - December 1995)

According to a Nordic legend, when someone asked a wise man what would he had done if he had only one day left in this world, he replied: "I would plant a tree".
These "lecture notes", with a schematic but at the same time exhaustive text, aim - like other initiatives promoted by Lago Maggiore Park Authority and dedicated to trees - at being an instrument to discover and better appreciate the "protagonists of our forests", to stimulate curiosity and lead the readers to be less absent-minded towards the arboreal essences present in our woodlands, to promote the growth of an authentic "culture of the trees", so that the environmental, naturalistic, historical, and emotional values can melt in a feeling of respect and gratitude.
  • Edited by: Edoardo Villa con la collaborazione di Massimo Grisoli
  • Publisher: Regione Piemonte - Ente Parchi e Riserve Naturali del Lago Maggiore
  • Pages: 84
  • Size: 21x29.5cm
  • Year: 1997
  • Price: 6.00 €  

Notes: Drawings by Marta Barbieri and Ivan Romano

Alle radici della Vita
Alle radici della Vita
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