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Parco dell'Adamello

Visitor Centers

The Park Headquarters

Main Headquarters in Breno
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Main Headquarters in Breno

Piazza Tassara, 3 - 25043 Breno (BS)
Tel. 0364/324011 - Fax 0364/22629

In the main headquarters there are the Park technical and administrative offices.
At the moment there are 10 persons working in these offices. The staff includes both technical and administrative employees, in the forest, biological, computer, agronomic, and planning fields.

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Detached Office in Vezza d'Oglio

Via Nazionale, 132 - 25059 Vezza d'Oglio (BS)
Tel. and Fax 0364/76165

This office is managed by Coop. Alternativa Ambiente. It can welcome about 50 persons with guides. It organizes tours, games and animation, visits to museums, film and slide projections, and programs of didactic integration.
The suggested educational programs are the following:

  • One day in the Park: guided tour (at least 20 persons), visit to the museum and projection of videos on the Park
  • Weekend in the Park: three days surrounded by nature with trips, tours, and projection of videos on the Park
  • Naturalistic week: seven days of trips, guided tours, and visits to the museums.

Detached office in Saviore dell'Adamello
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Detached Office in Saviore dell'Adamello

Via Adamello, 10 - 25050 Saviore dell'Adamello (BS)
Tel. and Fax 0364/634145

These offices are managed by the Local Tourist Board of Valsaviore, and offers services of text consultation and projection of audiovisual material. Moreover, on demand: games for kids, tours on horseback in the Park; climbing courses; paragliding courses and flights; mountain climbing tours.

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