Logo Parco dell'Adige

Parco dell'Adige

Opening image Parco dell'Adige

A Green Lung at the Gates of Verona

Where in Italy Parco dell'Adige
On 28th February 2005, the Municipal Council established Adige Park as "a protected area of local interest", on a municipal and state estate of almost 2 million square meters. The area of Adige Park includes the river stretch in the northern and southern sections of the town, which are linked by itineraries running along the river: from the dam of Chievo to the areas of Boschetto, Giarol Grande, and Bosco Buri.

www.parks.it   www.parcodelladige.it Weather forecasts How to get there

Italian text

The Area
Points of interest
Visitor Centers
Environmental education
What's New
Places to Stay
Typical products

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