The exhibition center is dedicated to the memory of Giuseppe Giraudo - known as the "lu pustìn d'Ëndonn" - and belongs to a town property offered in 1931 by Mrs Pepino Caterina fu Antonio, known as "Ninìn Tabàs". The building has been completely renovated in order to build a museum also thanks to the support of the people in Andonno who did not want to let past generations' memory die.
Starting from the positive cultural and social experience of the Living Nativity Scene (an event dedicated to the ancient jobs of the country culture from the mountains of Cuneo) the people from Andonno organized these places by offering and cataloging objects, by building the scenes and realizing the show theme.
A simple philological path to tell the daily life of ancient times also by recreating the atmosphere of some rooms.
- Lower floor: daily life scenes
- External balcony: ancient jobs an country life
- Upper floor: women's jobs.