
Parco delle Alpi Marittime


Rye Ecomuseum Trail

Lo viòl di tàit

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Departure: Sant'Anna di Valdieri (1,011m)
  • Duration: 1 hour/s 30 minutes
  • Difference in height: 200m

The Rye Ecomuseum, established by Regione Piemonte in 1995, is situated in Sant'Anna di Valdieri, the one and only permanently settled town in the Park. The thread of the Ecomuseum is represented by the rye, a cereal whose various uses document the various ways in which men have always been able to adapt to a very hostile environment. A trail leaves from the country hamlet and connects with Tetti Bariau and Bertola, two abandoned settlements, where the rye straw roofs of the two buildings have been recovered. Along the way, it will be possible to understand the effort of walking uphill, observe the terraces where rye was cultivated and the characteristic rural buildings. The itinerary is also interesting for the views you can enjoy of the town of Sant'Anna and the surrounding mountains.

From the Ecomuseum shop "I Bateur", in the town center, go downhill for a few meters until you meet a road leading to the cemetery, where you will take the trail leading to Tetti Bartola (1,054m). The itinerary develops cut into the mountainside and reaches some houses downstream. It crosses a creek and hardly climbs to some rocks, offering a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains. Downhill, you will continue along the trail leading to Tetti Bariau (1,154m) from where you will go down to the mule track of Vallone della Meris. Along this trail, following it downhill, you will go back to the departure point.

Rye Festival
Rye Festival
Books and Guides
Sentieri e meraviglie delle Alpi Marittime
Price: 18.00 €
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
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