The main sources of nectar and pollen for bees mainly consist of spontaneous flower species, organic cultivations, and cultivations with a low environmental impact. Honey is collected in the period going from April to August. The beehives must be built with natural materials with no contamination risks for the environment or the bee-keeping products. Artificial feeding can take place exclusively between the last honey collection and 20 days before the beginning of the following honey season. The frames containing honey are mechanically or manually uncapped; in the second case, the bee-keeper can use knives with stainless steel blades, preferably heated. The honey extraction is carried out with centrifugal honey extractors of different size, both mechanic and manual. At the end of the honey extraction, the product undergoes a first purification stage through net or bag filters characterized by sieves with meshes of no more than 1 mm. The purified honey then settles in special stainless steel jars of different size for 15-20 days.