Logo Parco Naturale Regionale del Beigua

Parco Naturale Regionale del Beigua

Places to Stay

Holiday Farms in Parco del Beigua

Logo of the recommended businesses by the Park In order to improve and make more organic the tourist enjoyment of Parco del Beigua and to promote a better integration between the coast and the mountains, the Park Authority has given birth to a specific project called "Agriturismo nel Parco del Beigua". The project aims at promoting and enhancing the value of the holiday farms operating in the protected area and in the territories which are functionally linked to it.
The holiday farms joining the project - by accepting particular regulations suggested by the authority managing the protected area - are marked by a symbol ("Esercizio Consigliato dal Parco del Beigua") and must respect their commitments with the Park Authority.
Besides promoting holiday farms, Ente Parco del Beigua commits itself to support and promote the offer of these structures, their visibility and their activity.

The holiday farms joining the projects commited themselves to:

  • hand out any informative material provided by the Park Authority and - more in general - provide information about the Park's territory to the visitors who become guests of the structure
  • attend the informative and/or formative initiatives promoted by the Park Authority and deal with the contents directly or indirectly indicated in the management of the holiday farm (typical products, ecocompatible agriculture, local system of tourist services, etc.)
  • use - if the Park Authority decides to establish it - the quality brand within the structure, respecting its conditions of use
  • communicate in time to the Park Authority any change in the holiday farm
  • enhance the value of the gastronomical tradition of the Park territory
  • maintain the typicality and genuineness of the products
  • collaborate with other holiday farms joining the project.

Look at the list of Holidays Farms involved in the project of Parco del Beigua and of the territories which are functionally linked to it.