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Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori




From 20th May to 11th June 2006 in the Parks of Lombardy

The magic of spring is back...
... nature awakens and we want to move, do new things, stay in the open air and free. But what can we do while we are waiting for the summer holidays, which are still far?

In Lombardy, as everywhere else in Europe, on 24th May the "Parks System" of Lombardy celebrates the "European Day of Parks" and around this symbolic date celebrations and events are organized. There are proposals for everyone: if you love active life and if you like contemplation; if you love history and if you like fine cuisine, but also if you are just curious and want to experience something different.
And the proposals coming from the Parks System of Regione Lombardia are many...

The European Day of Parks
  • From Friday 26th May to Sunday 4th June "Festival of the Lake"
    Fair of products and handicrafts of the local tradition. In the evening, animation for the public. Free participation.
    - For further information: www.progavirate.com or ufficio@progavirate.com
    - Gavirate (VA), Lungolago, Isola Virginia. At 4.00 p.m.-midnight; Saturday and Sunday, 9.00 a.m.-midnight
    - Info: Tel. 0332/744707 (Local Tourist Board), Tel. 0332/435386 (Park Center)

  • Sunday 21st May "The Charm of Wild Peonies in Bloom"
    Guided tour on foot, led by Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie along the trail Monte Pizzelle-Fontana Rossa. Packed lunch. Possibility to continue with the hike in the afternoon. Free participation.
    - Varese, Località Sacro Monte, Piazzale Pogliaghi. At 9.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 0332/435397 (GEV, only on Sunday), Tel. 0332/435386 (Park Center)

  • Saturday 10th June "Full Moon at Forte d’Orino"
    Night tour on foot, led by Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie.
    - Località Campo dei Fiori (VA), c/o Pensione Irma. At 8.30 p.m.-11.30 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 0332/ 435397 (GEV, only on Sunday), Tel. 0332/435386 (Park Center)

Program "Parchinfesta!" (PDF, Italian text - 161 Kb)

All the Events of "Parchinfesta!" in the Parks of Lombardy

Tours on Foot and by Mountain Bike 2006

Tours on foot and by mountain bike 2006
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Along the Park trails, together with Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie

For over 10 years, Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie of Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori have been organizing naturalistic thematic tours.
During the year, the itineraries cross the whole Park along trails and mule tracks, to make you discover the most charming places.

Regulations for the participants
Free participation. Booking not required.
The below-mentioned itineraries may change according to the Guide's decision. The participation in the tours will imply the acceptance of the above-mentioned rules. The Park Authority and the Guides (GEV) are not responsible for any damage persons or things may suffer during the tours.

For information, please contact: Consorzio di Gestione Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori - Via Trieste, 40 - 21030 Brinzio (Varese)
- Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie: 0332/435397 (Sunday 8.00 a.m./noon - 2.00 p.m./6.00 p.m.)
- Park Secretariat: 0332/435386 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00 a.m./noon, Thursday 3.00 p.m./5.00 p.m.) - Fax 0332/435403 - E-mail: info@parcocampodeifiori.it - Web site: www.parcocampodeifiori.it - www.parchi.regione.lombardia.it

Sacred Mountain
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Tours on Foot

  • Sunday 21st May
    The Charm of Wild Peonies in Bloom
    Route: Monte Pizzelle, Sass Scurbatt, Or du la Bianca, Fontana Rossa
    • Difficulty: */**
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Sacred Mountain, piazzale Pogliaghi

  • Saturday 10th June
    Full Moon at Forte d’Orino
    • Difficulty: *
    • Departure at 8.30 p.m. - Campo dei Fiori, pensione Irma

  • Sunday 18th June
    The Dry Meadows, a Casket of Nature: A Tour in Valganna among Orchids and Butterflies
    Route: petrifying springs, Val Fredda, Mt. Chiusarella
    • Difficulty: */**
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Valganna Caves
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Tawny owl
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  • Sunday 2nd July
    Nature Horizons: A Summer Sunday to Discover a New Park
    Tour outside the Park (tour by Granturismo bus)

  • Saturday 8th July
    Full Moon on Mt. Chiusarella
    • Difficulty: **
    • Departure at 8.30 p.m. - Rasa, square of the Church

  • Sunday 16th July
    Farmsteads, Meadows, and Streams: Some Coolness in the Woods of Valcuvia
    Route: Rio Broveda, Mt. Martinello, Anulare Valcuviano, cascina Coletti, Cavona
    • Difficulty: */**
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Cuvio, square of the Town Hall

  • Friday 4th August
    Shooting Stars on Mt. Legnone
    • Difficulty: **
    • Departure at 8.30 p.m. - Rasa, villa Cagnola

  • Sunday 20th August
    In the Shady Realm of the Beech Tree: Woods and Summer Grazing Lands of Martica
    Route: Valicci, Pregambarit, Mt. Martica
    • Difficulty: **/***
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Bedero Valcuvia, square of the Church

  • Sunday 17th September
    The Beauty of the Mushrooms in the Woods and... the Mushroom Festival in Brinzio
    Route: Preciuso, Pau Majur, Valicci, Pregambarit
    • Difficulty: */**
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Brinzio, Park headquarters

  • Sunday 15th October
    To Pian delle Noci, A Nice Chestnut Party and Barbecue among the Firs
    Route: sports ground, trail 17, Pian delle Noci
    • Difficulty: **/**
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Orino, church of San Lorenzo

  • Sunday 19th November
    Charms of the Belle Epoque and of the Natural Panoramas on the Summits of Campo dei Fiori
    Route: Grand Hotel, practice wall, punta Paradiso, punta di Mezzo
    • Difficulty: */**
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Campo dei Fiori, pensione Irma
Frozen ravine
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  • Sunday 3rd December
    Social Lunch

  • Sunday 17th December
    Christmas Orienteering in the Woods: Who will Find the Lanterns First? Prize Competition
    Surprise itinerary with "treasure hunt" in the woodlands of Brinzio, at the foot of Martica
    • Difficulty: */*
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Brinzio, Park headquarters

For the tours on foot...
The suggested itineraries do not present particular difficulties if you are trained for mountain hiking: physical training, trekking clothing and shoes suitable for the season, waterproof mantel in case of rain. The participants can choose between the complete itinerary, with packed lunch and return according to the trip and the season, and a shorter itinerary carried out in the morning and with return at lunch time.
In order to give information on the degree of difficulty of the itineraries, as far as length and difference in height is concerned, we mark each tour with asterisks (*), both for the morning tour (1st asterisk) and the complete tour (2nd asterisk):
* = not very demanding tour
** = rather demanding tour
*** = demanding tour
The tour by coach on 2nd July will be carried out in an area of naturalistic interest and is on payment. Booking required.

Tours by mountain bike

  • Sunday 14th May *
    Rocca di Orino
    Route: Brinzio, Castello Cabiaglio, Rocca di Orino, Fonte Gesiola, Brinzio.
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Brinzio, square of the church

  • Sunday 11th June ***
    The Observatory of Campo dei Fiori
    Route: Sacred Mountain, Campo dei Fiori, Forte di Orino, Astronomic Observatory, Sacred Mountain.
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Sacred Mountain Piazzale Pogliaghi (bus terminus)

  • Sunday 9th July **
    Along the Park Perimeter
    Route: Brinzio, Rasa, Villa Cagnola, Velate, Caldana, Orino, Castello Cabiaglio, Brinzio.
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Brinzio, square of the church

  • Sunday 10th September **
    Brinzio and Surroundings
    Route: Lago di Brinzio, Cascata del Pesech, Valicci, Brinzio.
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Brinzio, square of the church

  • Sunday 8th October *
    "Ottobre Caldanese"
    Route: Brinzio, Castello Cabiaglio, Orino, Caldana, Brinzio.
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m. - Brinzio, square of the church

For the tours by mountain bike:
Please check the conditions of your mtb before leaving, and always bring a spare inner tube.
Level of difficulty:
* = not very demanding tour
** = rather demanding tour
*** = demanding tour
Please, always wear the helmet.
For further information, contact Roberto 347/8917727.