Logo Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori

Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori

Typical Products

Chestnut Tree Honey

Chestnut tree Honey The chestnut tree honey is usually fluid and dark. It has an intense, aromatic, and bitter fragrance. The taste is very bitter, tannic, and astringent, while the flavour is persistent above all as far as its bitter feature is concerned.

Wines and Liquors

  • "Elisir del Borducan"
    Liquor based on oranges, with a secret recipe and a fascinating history (in the restaurant "Le Colonne").

  • Herb Liqueur and Rosolio of the Sacred Mountain
    Digestive product based on herbs, according to the recipe of the Romite (in Officina Erboristica Santa Chiara).

  • Wine of Principato
    Local wine produced by Cooperativa Principato del Sacro Monte (in the restaurant Milano).


  • Brutti e Buoni di Gavirate
    Albumen mousse mixed with almonds gives these biscuits an awful but also fine aspect (in all the confectioneries of the town).

  • Dolce Varese
    Typical sweet of the town based on a particular almond dough (in all the confectioneries of the town).