Thematic itineraries in Corno alle Scale Park
Thematic itinerary in the Park "Winter Line. Linea Verde a nord della Gotica 1944-1945" (Winter Line. Green Line in the north of the Gothic Line 1944-1945), including a detailed description of the itinerary, cartography, images, and detailed information.
Published within the Investment Program 2005-2007 Prog 05 COSC 06 "Pubblicazioni di itinerari, materiali divulgativi e notiziari" (Publication of informative material and newsletters).
- Series: Itinerari tematici
- Publisher: Parco Regionale Corno alle Scale
- Size: 10.5x15cm (closed)
- Year: 2010
- Price: 1.00 €
Notes: Texts by Cristian Molini
Maps by Giancarlo Ghirardato