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Parco delle Groane


Christmas Holy Mass in Parco delle Groane

Christmas Tree
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Sunday 17th December 2006

At 4.00 p.m., Park Center - Via della Polveriera, 2 - Solaro (MI)

The Christmas Holy Mass, introduced six years ago by the Administration Board, has become by now a tradition for Parco delle Groane. On 17th December at 4.00 p.m., for the third year in a row, the Park will be glad to welcome in the Park Center, in Via della Polveriera, 2 in Solaro, the Auxiliary Bishop of Milan and Abbot of Sant'Ambrogio, H. E. Mons. Erminio De Scalzi, who will celebrate the Christmas Holy Mass together with some local priests. Civil and military authorities will take part in the event, together with several citizens who want to express their faith and prey for justice, peace, and safety in Italy and all over the world.
At the end of the Mass, in the meadow in front of the Administrative Center, a new Peace Tree will be planted. The tree is the symbol of the work and toil, wishes and hopes, and the commitment of the whole community of Parco delle Groane.
The event will be cheered up by the choir "Voces Morosae" from Arese, conducted by Maestro Andrea Terzuolo.



All the Events of Parchinfesta!

From 20th May to 11th June 2006 in the Parks of Lombardy

The magic of spring is back...
... nature awakens and we want to move, do new things, stay in the open air and free. But what can we do while we are waiting for the summer holidays, which are still far?

In Lombardy, as everywhere else in Europe, on 24th May the "Parks System" of Lombardy celebrates the "European Day of Parks" and around this symbolic date celebrations and events are organized. There are proposals for everyone: if you love active life and if you like contemplation; if you love history and if you like fine cuisine, but also if you are just curious and want to experience something different.
And the proposals coming from the Parks System of Regione Lombardia are many...

The European Day of Parks
  • Wednesday 24th May, "Day Dedicated to Schools Joining the EQUAL Project: Let's Make Peace between Man and Nature"
    Exhibit of works, games, and didactic workshops. Free participation.
    - Solaro (MI), Park Center Polveriera, Via della Polveriera, 2. At 10.00 a.m.
    - Info: Tel. 02/96981426

  • Saturday 27th May, "Parco in festa"
    Animation with presentation of the local products characterizing the Park, activities for schools, civil defence exercises. Free participation.
    - Solaro (MI), Park Center Polveriera, Via della Polveriera, 2. At 10.00 a.m.
    - Info: Tel. 02/96981426

Program "Parchinfesta!" (PDF, Italian text - 161 Kb)

Archive events 2006
Archive events 2005