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Parco Naturale della Lessinia

Environmental Education

At School in the Park

At school in the Park

School Tourism and Environmental Education Proposals in Parco Naturale della Lessinia

Dedicated to schools
The proposals are addressed to every kind of school, and include classroom meetings, tours, stays, and trekking, everything dealing with the naturalistic, economic, cultural issues and with the man-environment relationship in the past, present, and future.
The itineraries crossing Parco Naturale della Lessinia touch its most precious treasures: the great karstic phenomena, like Ponte di Veja, Spluga della Preta chasm, Covolo di Camposilvano, and Valle delle Sfingi; the naturalistic treasures and landscapes of Corno d'Aquilio, Vajo dell'Anguilla, Folignani Forest, Giazza Forest, and Molina Waterfalls; human evidences like shelters, quarters, popular art, and local culture.
The Environmental Education Center "malga Derocon" and the Museum System give the opportunity to improve the knowledge about issues linked to botany, geology, fossils, and human signs, as if you were in a big museum in the open air.
The proposals, the technical education, and the agency services are planned and organized by Silvano Dalla Valentina of Soluzioni Omnia Media Agenzia Viaggi, from Verona.