What's New
The Activity program of the Ente foresees for the year 1997 different new things that originate from an experience of a decade. Thanks to the experience of the LIPU association and with the collaboration of the Park of Nebrodi one can await the reintroduction of the Griffin Vulture, an interesting predator that doesn't live anymore in the island. |
The Park's Ente- among the activities favours the necessary conditions and benefits of the protected natural areas, also for the handicapped , therefore betters the social integration, organizes and collaborates with the Pluridisciplinare Handicap Equipe of Cefalù, the pro-handicap associations of the Madonie, National union of the Blind, the Uildm, Ispettorato Dipartimentale delle Foreste and Assesorato Regionale Territorio Ambiente. A Job convention on " the green paths of the Park" held on Saturday June 21 at the Maria SS.ma of Gibilmanna Sanctuary. The day after, Sunday June 22, after a itinerary visit of the Natural Park will be inaugurated in Gorgo Nero near the center of Petralia Sottana, a Green Path equipped for the handicapped . In the afternoon there will musical groups and animation organized by the associations.
The absence of light pollution in particular localities inside the area of the Park (Piano Cervi, Piano Catarineci etc.) has wakened the interest towards the carrying out of the Parks of the Stars project. The Ways of the Sky is an original initiative of its kind, that wants to increase the interest in preserving the rareness of these places with the help of specialists of the astronomic and astrophysic section.
All the world Volunteers can find in the Park the ideal laboratory for the participation in fields for the prevention of fires, natural fields and ecologic initiatives to carry out with the collaboration of the Regional and National Environmental Associations.
The principal and essential educational agency, the world of the school , has a new formation " Environmental Cultures" with more adequate ways of thinking and behaviours. The object is to transform the behaviours in a more balanced and harmonic man-environment ratio. In these school reports, there is a "open " type Environmental Education project that foresees the daily and continueing action of concerts with the school boards.