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Parco Regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone




From 20th May to 11th June 2006 in the Parks of Lombardy

The magic of spring is back...
... nature awakens and we want to move, do new things, stay in the open air and free. But what can we do while we are waiting for the summer holidays, which are still far?

In Lombardy, as everywhere else in Europe, on 24th May the "Parks System" of Lombardy celebrates the "European Day of Parks" and around this symbolic date celebrations and events are organized. There are proposals for everyone: if you love active life and if you like contemplation; if you love history and if you like fine cuisine, but also if you are just curious and want to experience something different.
And the proposals coming from the Parks System of Regione Lombardia are many...

The European Day of Parks
  • Sunday 28th May, "Music Harmonies"
    Guided visit led by Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie to discover the Park, with music intermezzi in charming natural places. Participation fee: Euros 3,00 (only adults). Booking required.
    - Montevecchia (LC), Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 a.m.
    - Info: Tel. 039/9930384, Tel. 039/5311275 (on Friday from 9.00 p.m.)

  • Sunday 4th June, "Swallow... Not Just a Point in the Sky"
    With swallows, to discover Valle di Santa Croce. Guided visit in this area to discover the habits of these migratory birds.
    - Lomaniga di Missaglia (LC), SP 54, parking area of the church. At 8.45 a.m.
    - Info: Tel. 039/9930384, Tel. 039/5311275 (on Friday from 9.00 p.m.)

Program "Parchinfesta!" (PDF, Italian text - 161 Kb)

All the Events of "Parchinfesta!" in the Parks of Lombardy

Guided Visits with Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie - Year 2006

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Photo by G.Sardi
During the whole year, Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie (GEV) of the Park organize guided visits in the most beautiful and interesting places of the protected area.
For information, you can call on Friday evening from 9.00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. at the Park Center Ca' Soldato at the number 039/5311275 or write an e-mail at the address gev.curone@libero.it
  • Sunday 23rd April
    Frogs, Toads, Newts & co
    The Amphibians of the Park are waiting for you for a meeting rich in emotions... harmless, quiet, and shy animals which have mysteriously become protagonists of tales and "recipes" of medieval witches and wizards...
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 a.m.

  • Sunday 7th May
    Spontaneous Flowers: Knowing Them to Respect Them
    During a pleasant and peaceful walk we will observe the vegetation surrounding us and learn how to recognize flowers, to rediscover their value and beauty.
    - Meeting: Rovagnate, parking area of Monte at 3.00 p.m.

  • Sunday 28th May
    Music Harmonies
    Like in a perfect hug, music will merge in the beauty of our Park.
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 a.m.

  • Sunday 4th June
    Swallow... Not Just a Point in the Sky
    A free flight, a zigzag flight, but also a ring flight linking two continents. With the swallow to discover the valley of Santa Croce.
    - Meeting: Lomaniga di Missaglia, parking area Church, at 8.45 a.m.

  • Sunday 18th June - Night Tour
    Nocturnal Animals
    It will be fascinating to discover the animals populating the darkness, to see their skilled movements, listen to their sounds in the soft silence of the night.
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 p.m.

  • Saturday 15th July - Night Tour
    Walking under the Moonlight
    The hill of the cypresses, Galbusera Bianca and Galbusera Nera: let's rediscover this wonderful patch of Park during a night tour under the moonlight.
    - Meeting: Rovagnate, parking area loc. Monte, at 9.00 p.m.

  • Friday 12th August - Night Tour
    The Shooting Stars
    Observing the sky and be amazed by a luminous sign which seems to descend towards the Earth and then disappear in the darkness of the night.
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 p.m.

  • Sunday 10th September
    Lion ant, Potter wasp, Common Scorpion fly; What Kind of World is it?!
    Let's go and find the real masters of the world: bees, wasps, butterflies... grasshoppers, if observed without prejudices, will make us discover a universe of wonders.
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 a.m.

  • Sunday 15th October
    The Mushrooms of the Park
    Among the inhabitants of the wood, the mushrooms are the most discreet ones, with beautiful shapes and colors. Knowing them to respect them... a journey with many surprises.
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 a.m.

  • Sunday 5th November
    Recipes of Brianza... Practical Tasting
    Dishes cooked with local products. The charm of ancient dishes of Brianza recalling the past fragrance of the houses. (Participation fee to decide).
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 10.00 a.m.

  • Sunday 19th November
    The Geological Trail
    Discovering rocks to learn something about the history of the Earth and the soil composition. A charming route leading us right to our origins.
    - Meeting: Perego, loc. Lissolo, at 9.00 a.m.

  • Sunday 17th December
    A Past to Remember
    Looking for something which is worth to remember.
    - Meeting: Montevecchia, Park Center Ca' Soldato, at 9.00 a.m.

To take part in the guided visits you must pay a sum of 3 Euros (children free of charge) and book by calling on Friday evening Ca' Soldato or by sending an e-mail at the address gev.curone@libero.it
Moreover, the GEV are available for guided visits regarding specific routes for organized groups.