
Parco Naturale Regionale Monti Simbruini

Wine Biscuits

Wine biscuits, historical bakery products of Aniene Valley, were produced in the past on celebrations or particular events like family ceremonies or anniversaries to be offered to the guests, preferably together with a fine glass of wine, better if red and sweet.
Round-shaped, the product is made with eggs, flour, sugar, olive oil, anise, and natural aromas. The presence of anise gives to the product a particular taste whetting the appetite. No preservatives are used to prepare wine biscuits.

Wine Biscuits
The Producers
Typology: Others
Locality: Jenne (RM)
Typology: Bakeries
Locality: Vallepietra (RM)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Arsoli (RM)
Typology: Others
Locality: Subiaco (RM)
Typology: Others
Locality: Subiaco (RM)
Typology: Others
Locality: Guarcino (FR)
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