Logo Parco Naturale Regionale Monti Simbruini

Parco Naturale Regionale Monti Simbruini

What's New

The Park for Everyone, for a Friendly and Fair Tourism

A project promoting a friendly and fair tourism has been launched
Parco dei Monti Simbruini will be accessible to disabled people

"The Park for everyone, for a friendly and fair tourism".
This is the project launched by the Park Authority to improve the relations with the world of disabled people and guarantee a greater accessibility in the protected area.
It is a complex program of initiatives aiming at improving the knowledge of the environmental resources and, at the same time, at promoting the visit by disabled people to the protected areas system of Lazio through the implementation of specific measures improving their social and economic integration. The aims of the project have been inspired by the guidelines provided by the Regional Councillor's Department for the Environment and Social Policies on the occasion of the European Year of the People with Disabilities.
The project wants to promote in the Simbruini territory a culture of hospitality combined with solidarity, through the involvement of the associations of the service sector, institutions and private subjects in order to create a synergy aimed at achieving these "ambitious" aims. Therefore, the project will focus on: the specific training of the operators to manage the services and coordinate the actions, the involvement of citizens at risk to plan the initiatives, actions to gather funds to manage the accommodation structures welcoming disabled people, measures to purchase or restructure buildings useful for the social services, experimental projects aimed at the integration and rehabilitation of disabled people.
In other words, an "accessible tourism" able to remove the "barriers" which still today prevent disabled people from moving by their own in the society.

The news from the Park