In June, 50 young students will discover the Apennines
3rd Edition of the Project "Fare per capire", promoted by Provincia di Reggio Emilia (Servizio aree protette e paesaggio and Servizio programmazione scolastica ed educativa) and financed by the National Park.
For information:
- Press Office and Secretary of the President Sara Di Antonio
Tel. 0522/890111, dir. 0522/890003 - mobile 346/8737186 - E-mail: sara.diantonio@parcoappennino.it
- Alessandra Curotti, U.O Aree Protette e Paesaggio Provincia di Reggio Emilia
Tel. 0522/444454 - E-mail: a.curotti@mbox.provincia.re.it
- Natascia Zambonini, Parco Nazionale Appennino tosco emiliano
mobile 320/4361998 - E-mail: natascia.zambonini@parcoappennino.it

"Neve e Natura" begins, from January to March 2008
The Students from Secondary Schools are invited to discover the secrets of the mountains
Teaching young people to move on the snow with rackets or cross-country skis, to find their way in the mountains, but also to meet local people and discover the history and traditions of the Apennines to promote a sustainable tourism. With the project "Neve e Natura" promoted and financed by Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park, in collaboration with Frignano Regional Park and Cento Laghi Park, the Apennines become a school in the open air.
From January to March, over 300 students coming from the Secondary Schools of the Provinces of Modena, Reggio Emilia, and Parma are invited to take part in weekly stages to discover the territory of the Apennines thanks to a direct experience focusing both on theory and practice. The students will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge by experiencing more winter days at over 1,000 m of altitude, practicing healthy and environmentally-friendly sports disciplines like cross-country skiing, hiking, tours with snow rackets, and nordic walking.
Students will practice outdoor activities together with professional skiing instructors, environmental guides, nordic walking instructors, and in the afternoon they will attend lessons dedicated to subject matters linked to this experience: geography, geology, environment, history, economy, and literature linked to the Apennines, etc.
The aim of the project is to enhance and promote the knowledge of the Apennines through an integrated learning approach and an alternative form of mountain tourism.
The project will be carried out in Succiso, in Appennino reggiano, already housing the 2006-2007 edition, in Lagdei in Appennino parmense, and in Piandelagotti in Appennino modenese. The 2008 edition of the project "Neve Natura" has Ferrino as special partner, a leader company in the filed of outdoor tourism and camping, committed to the promotion of a responsible tourism.