
15/Centopiedi - Val Grande, incontrare il Parco

Walks and tours on foot

Val Grande! The abandonment of the summer mountain pastures, the abandonment of the woodsmen activity, the wounds of the war period have transformed this place situated at only 100 kilometers from Milan between Ossola, Val Vigezzo, Valle Cannobina, and Lago Maggiore into a comeback "wilderness".
In these years, Val Grande has become a destination increasingly sought-after by hikers that make of their walks at direct contact with nature an aware (re)discovery of the environment, but also an outdoor museum dedicated to the ancient rural and mountain civilization.
This guidebook would like to be an instrument to approach the Park through a series of one-day tour proposals.
  • Series: Centopiedi / 15
  • Author/s: Tiziano Maioli, Marco De Ambrosis
  • Publisher: Danilo Zanetti Editore
  • ISBN: 88-95302-66-9
  • Pages: 98
  • Size: 11x16cm
  • Year: 2010
  • Price: 6.00 €  

Notes: Purchase the publication in German

15/Centopiedi - Val Grande, incontrare il Parco
15/Centopiedi - Val Grande, incontrare il Parco
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