Logo Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio

Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio

The Movie

Waiting for streaming video, download this movie of the Park.
It deals with a filmed sequence in "QuickTime 3" size.
It lasts 4 minuts (and 27,8 Mb...) but we hope you could enjoy it!

Download the movie!

Estimated time:
with 28,8 modem= 2 hours 49 min.
with 56,6 modem = 1 hour 20 min.

System requirements :

  • Macintosh
    • Apple Macintosh with PowerPC processor;
    • 32 Mb RAM
    • 14" Monitor (640x480)
    • Do not use virtual memory
    • Install QuickTime 3 (or following versions), if not already installed; you can download it from the official site

  • Windows
    • P100 mhz or higher;
    • 32 Mb di RAM;
    • SVGA monitor 14" (640x480);
    • Sound Blaster compatible;
    • Operative system: Windows 95 - 98 or Windows NT;
    • Install QuickTime 3 (or following versions), if not already installed; you can download it from the official site