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Parco Oglio Sud


Festa del Luartìs - 7th Edition

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Why Celebrating...
Because the idea to get together once a year around a theme can be a cultural bet, an occasion to re-create the community. In our case, the formula is very simple and works only if the partners are convinced and happy to participate; therefore, the Park just promotes, spurs, provides ideas and a part of the funds (the promotion, the pay of the bands), and bets together with other partners, who should also bring ideas (stalls of organic products, herbalist's shops, and handicrafts to enrichen the offer), active workers to collect and cook the herbs), logistic knowledge (to organize the initiatives in the squares, decide the dosage, plan the purchase) and who autonomously decide where to direct the proceeds: a restoration, a solidarity project, the functioning of the group; finally, the Municipalities cover the expenses of the supplies, SIAE, and eventual further organization expenses: a small prototype of "local ecosystem", in which each one plays the role of co-protagonist benefitting (having fun and learning at the same time) from the interaction with other subjects: this does not lead to lose our identity, but to strengthen it. For six weeks in a row in Acquanegra sul Chiese (MN), Canneto sull'Oglio (MN), Isola Dovarese (CR), Marcaria, Piadena - Drizzona and in Commessaggio, the 7th edition of "Festa del luartìs" will be held.
  • Sunday 14th May 2006 in Cesole di Marcaria
    In the Holiday Farm la Rovere
    - At 3.00 p.m.: workshops for kids: clay, spinning and weaving in the prehistorical period, archery trials with the primitive arch, bread;
    - At 6.00 p.m.: snack;
    - At 8.00 p.m.: dinner based on risotto and omelettes with luartìs;
    - At 9.00 p.m.: theater performance in dialect.
The European Day of Parks
  • Sunday 21st May 2006 in Acquanegra sul Chiese
    The European Day of Parks
    From 5.30 p.m.: snack with omelettes with luartìs - organized by ARCI and OMG - and music concert

  • Sunday 28th May 2006 in Canneto sull’Oglio, Località Carzaghetto
    The European Day of Parks
    From 3.30 p.m.: popular games organized by the volunteers of the Ecomuseum, snack based on omelettes with luartis, and music with the guitar school of Canneto.

  • Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th June 2006 in Isola Dovarese (on the occasion of the visit by the environment group AREMS from Veloux - France)
    • Saturday 3rd June 2006:
      - At 7.30 p.m.: piazza Matteotti, stalls with organic products, dinner based on risotto and omelettes with luartis, organized by the Local Tourist Board and Contrade Isolane;
      - At 9.30 p.m.: concert by "Gruppo Emiliano".
    • Sunday 4th June 2006
      - Morning: football match between France and Italy
      - Afternoon: guided visit to the Ecomuseum of Canneto sull’Oglio

  • Saturday 10th June 2006 in Commessaggio
    Navarolo-Bogina Celebration
    Organized by Gruppo Ambiente il Quadrifoglio
    - At 7.00 p.m.: Piazzale del torrione gonzaghesco, music and games for kids, stalls with organic products
    - At 8.30 p.m.: omelettes with luartìs and gastronomical tasting.
    (The proceeds will be used for requalification measures dedicated to Bogina)

  • Sunday 11th June 2006 in Piadena and Drizzona
    - At 3.30 p.m. by bike, with snack and music: Meeting in Piazza Castello (if you leave from Isola Dovarese, meeting at 2.30 p.m. in Piazza Matteotti), visit to Dem. O.S. (organized by the 4th Elementary School of Piadena), guided visit to the Ecomuseum in the cropping farm Della Valle (organized by the volunteers of the Ecomuseum of Canneto sull’Oglio).
    - At 4.30 p.m.: departure to San Paolo Ripa Oglio, arrival at the mouth of the Small Lake, snack and music. Return to Castelfranco.
    - At 6.30 p.m. snack based on omelettes with luartis and concert by the music school of Piadena.

Luartis (Humulus lupulus, family: Cannabacee) or bud of the wild hop, spontaneously grows among blackberry bushes and along the banks. Besides being very good to prepare omelettes, risotto, and the filling for tortelli, it has one very important advantage: it is not cultivated. The Park wanted to pay particular attention to the luartis: picking them up and cooking them means recreating or strengthening our relationship with the environment, since the growth of this creeper is linked to the respect of its environment, which is not possible to privatize. Since luartis is not profitable, you will not find in on sale in supermarkets, and in our historical period this can be considered a counter-trend value. Finally, the luartis also represents the value of our cultural heritage, since it is used and handed down since ancient times.
Therefore, enhancing the luartis means enhancing our cultural identity (which is also made of tastes, memories, perfumes, and sensations).

Itineraries by Bike in Parco Oglio Sud

Itinerary by bike in Parco Oglio Sud
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FIAB - Amici della bicicletta - in collaboration with Circolo Aziendale Ospedaliero of Mantua

The aim of FIAB is to carry out activities in the field of the safeguard and enhancement of nature and environment, promoting in particular the use of the bike with initiatives to improve mobility and the quality of urban life and to practice a sport respecting the environment.

For this reason, it promotes every year a rich calendar of historical-environmental itineraries.
The Program of the year 2006 also offers the possibility to discover by bike some characteristic places of Parco Oglio Sud

  • Sunday 26th February 2006
    First Traditional Tour to Torre d’Oglio
    According to the tradition, a first easy tour in the direction of the bridge of boats of Torre Oglio (until it exist!).
    • Route of about 45 km, only in the morning.
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m., meeting in front of Palazzo Te

  • Sunday 14th May 2006
    Among Courtyards and Farmsteads, the Holiday Farms of the lower Mincio and Oglio
    From Mantua to Pietole, Campione, Borgoforte, Scorzarolo, San Matteo and return. With visits to the rural company Fondo Fratta (entirely managed by women!), then company La Rovere, company Corte Cascine, and finally "Rara Avis" in San Silvestro. You cannot miss the lunch in one of the most recommended holiday farms! Total: about 60 km.
    • Departure at 9.00 a.m., meeting in front of Palazzo Te.

  • Sunday 4th June 2006
    European Day of the Rivers – Train + Bike to Bozzolo
    From Bozzolo to Casalmaggiore by bike, where, going along the banks of the river Po, you can get to Cremona (with stop for lunch). From Cremona, comfortable return by train!
    • Departure: meeting at 9.15 a.m. in the FS railway station. Train at 9.43 a.m. with arrival in Bozzolo at 10.04 a.m. Meeting in Cremona by the train of 6.23 p.m. (or 7.49 p.m.) with arrival in Mantua at 7.17 p.m. (or 8.41 p.m.).

  • Sunday 1st October 2006
    Owners' Villas and Rural Courtyards between Cremona and Mantua
    Itinerary organized by FAI in Bozzolo

Complete program of the itineraries for the year 2006 suggested by FIAB (PDF, Italian text - 161 Kb)

For information: Tel. 0376/263130 - 362420 - 3490954382 - 0376 387144 - Web: www.fiab-onlus.it