Logo Parco Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate

Parco Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate




From 20th May to 11th June 2006 in the Parks of Lombardy

The magic of spring is back...
... nature awakens and we want to move, do new things, stay in the open air and free. But what can we do while we are waiting for the summer holidays, which are still far?

In Lombardy, as everywhere else in Europe, on 24th May the "Parks System" of Lombardy celebrates the "European Day of Parks" and around this symbolic date celebrations and events are organized. There are proposals for everyone: if you love active life and if you like contemplation; if you love history and if you like fine cuisine, but also if you are just curious and want to experience something different.
And the proposals coming from the Parks System of Regione Lombardia are many...

The European Day of Parks
  • From 13th to 31st May, "An Open Window over Parco Pineta"
    Photographic exhibit on the Park and its environments. Admittance free.
    - Tradate (VA), Biblioteca Civica, Via Zara 34. At 3.00 p.m.-6.00 p.m. On Thursday 3.00 p.m.-10.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 031/988430 (Parco Pineta), Tel. 0331.841820 (Biblioteca Civica)

  • Sunday 28th May, "Day of the Park in Castelnuovo Bozzente"
    Presentation of projects, ideas and products of the Park, among which the New Map of the Park Trails. The celebration will continue until late at night. Free participation.
    - Castelnuovo Bozzente (CO), Park Headquarters, Via Manzoni, 11. At 10.00 a.m.-midnight
    - Info: Tel. 031/988430 (Parco Pineta)

  • Thursday 1st June, "Discovering the Night Sounds of the Park"
    11th Course of Environmental Culture - The Concert of the Wood. Walk led by an expert bioacoustic ornithologist. Free participation. Booking required within 28th May.
    - Castelnuovo Bozzente (CO), Park Headquarters, Via Manzoni, 11. At 8.30 p.m.-11.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 031/988430 (Parco Pineta), from 9.00 a.m. till noon

Program "Parchinfesta!" (PDF, Italian text - 161 Kb)

All the Events of "Parchinfesta!" in the Parks of Lombardy