
Parco della fascia fluviale del Po - tratto Cuneese


Old Apple Varieties from Piedmont

At the beginning of the 20th century, Piedmont produced thousands of apple varieties. The traditional apple tree growing has gave way to the intensive apple tree growing carried out in the plain, and in the 1960s the local varieties had already been replaced by the more productive and beautiful apples, which are much more suitable to the modern techniques.
However, in the marginal areas which are not exploited by industrial agriculture (Varaita, Maira, and Pellice valleys) many old varieties have survived.
Many of them will have a future, because they are beautiful, aromatic, and perfumed, and because they preserve their features for a long time. Among them: Grigia di Torriana, Buras, Dominici, Magnana, Carla, Runsè, Gamba Fina, and Calville (Red and White of winter).
Istituto Professionale per l'Agricoltura e l'Ambiente in Osasco (TO) manages experimental nurseries of varieties from Piedmont.

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