
Parco della fascia fluviale del Po - tratto Cuneese


La Salamandra di Lanza. Salamandra lanzai

Biology, ecology, and conservation of an Amphibian exclusive of the Alps

A volume dedicated to Lanza's Alpine Salamander, one of the most recent vertebrate species discovered in Europe: its official description dates back to the late 1980s and it has been named after Benedetto Lanza, a doctor and naturalist from Florence who devoted himself to the study of herpetology (the science studying Amphibians and Reptiles). As a matter of fact, only in those years zoologists realized that the salamander specimens of the upper Po Valley were different from the black salamander, a species with which Lanza's Alpine Salamander had been mistaken: in particular, they were bigger, less tapered, and with a rounded tail tip. The volume consists of a general section on this species and the mountain amphibians living in the Park and a special section containing the data of the research activities carried out in the Po Valley.
  • Series: Le Scienze
  • Author/s: Franco Andreone, Paolo Eusebio Bergò, Vincenzo Mercurio
  • Publisher: Fusta Editore - Parco del Po Cuneese
  • Pages: 96
  • Size: 15x21cm
  • Year: 2007
  • Price: 16.00 €  

Notes: If you purchase this publication, you can require free of charge the brochure "La Salamandra di Lanza"

Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
La Salamandra di Lanza. Salamandra lanzai
La Salamandra di Lanza. Salamandra lanzai
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