Journey across the plain of Po Cuneese Park
After going along the trails of the upper and medium valley with the previous book, "Natura in Valle Po" continues the journey across the plain section of Po Cuneese Park. This text, that can be an ideal companion during the walks along the banks or a useful didactic instrument, analyzes the main environments of the plain of Saluzzo, from the river to the tributaries, to the river springs. Moreover, it illustrates the features, the richness, and the issues regarding the world of plants and wildlife. Finally, it deals with the relationship between man and environment, and in particular between man and the river.
- Author/s: Stefano Fenoglio
- Publisher: Parco del Po Cuneese - Regione Piemonte
- Pages: 156
- Size: 15x21cm
- Year: 2010
- Price: 10.00 €