
Parco Regionale di Porto Conte


La colonia penale di Tramariglio

This book documents the urbanistic and architectural features of Tramariglio through its historical reconstruction and the analysis, also comparative, with the broader event of the modern rural colonizations in Sardinia.
The critical contribution and the descriptive sheets forming the book give the opportunity to assess the role and quality, today partly hidden, of this penal colony. As a matter of fact, the survey highlights that this place belongs to the debate characterizing the 20th century culture through the elaboration of new settlement models and the creation of a built-up landscape with an environmental vocation.
Tramariglio represents the document of an innovative territorial project acquiring the value of a unique cultural heritage.
  • Series: I quaderni del Parco di Porto Conte - 1
  • Edited by: Giorgio Peghin
  • Publisher: Carlo Delfino editore
  • Price: 10.00 €  
La colonia penale di Tramariglio
La colonia penale di Tramariglio
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