Logo Parco Naturale Regionale di Porto Venere

Parco Naturale Regionale di Porto Venere

What's New

The Initiatives...

Environmental Education Centers
Congresses and Conferences
Book Presentations
Courses on Agricultural Techniques
Tours by Sea and by Land
Rock Climbing

For info and proposals: Tel. 0187/794885-823 - Fax 0187/794846

Seafaring Activities and Sailing

Conversation on seafaring traditions and introduction to sailing. Working by the sea, past and present: the marble routes and marine connections. Tours by sailing boat with boats put at disposal by the Sailing Club.

Visits to Tino Island

Tino Island, military area, can be visited once a month with tours organized by the Park, with authorization issued by the Navy.

The Trails

You can discover the whole Park territory by going along trails offering views of great beauty going from the summits of Alpi Apuane to the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, to the neighbouring coast of Cinque Terre.
The Park suggests guided visits.


The seabed of the Marine Conservation Area offers extraordinary submerged landscapes characterized by the main Mediterranean ecosystems. If you are not a diving expert, the Park organizes tours by boat during which you will have the opportunity to "virtually" visit the seabed of the Marine Conservation Area thanks to an audio-video connection with which the visitors on board will have the possibility to interact with the diver.


Among the aims of a nature park, without a doubt a leading role is played by the conservation of biodiversity, consisting of various forms of life (animals and plants), various kinds of environment and vegetal associations (habitats) present in the territory.
There are various animal and vegetal species populating the Park territory that have been included in the annexes of the European Community "Habitat" Directive (CE 92/43). The task of the Park is to safeguard these species through specific projects, but also spreading their knowledge among all the possible visitors.
For this reason, the Park has organized a cycle of conferences dealing with the history, environment, usages and custom of our territory.
The first meeting was held on 16th June: it was dedicated to the presentation of Euleptes europea:
"The Park Biodiversity: The Safeguard Project of Euleptes europea on Tino Island".

Dates and titles of the next meetings will be communicated as soon as they are available.