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Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino




From 20th May to 11th June 2006 in the Parks of Lombardy

The magic of spring is back...
... nature awakens and we want to move, do new things, stay in the open air and free. But what can we do while we are waiting for the summer holidays, which are still far?

In Lombardy, as everywhere else in Europe, on 24th May the "Parks System" of Lombardy celebrates the "European Day of Parks" and around this symbolic date celebrations and events are organized. There are proposals for everyone: if you love active life and if you like contemplation; if you love history and if you like fine cuisine, but also if you are just curious and want to experience something different.
And the proposals coming from the Parks System of Regione Lombardia are many...

The European Day of Parks
  • Saturday 27th May, "The Fairy Tale of the Parks"
    Animated fairy tale on the history of parks and their importance for the balance of nature. Snack for all the participants. Free entrance.
    - Pontevecchio di Magenta (MI), Park Center La Fagiana. At 4.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 0331/662911 (Park call center)

  • Saturday 27th May, "Environmental Education: When Words are not Enough"
    Seminar on environmental education, with an epistemological, pedagogic, ethic, and didactic point of view, exclusively dedicated to teachers. On the program, didactic workshops to provide methodological traces and comparison between theory and practice.
    - Magenta (MI), Casa Giacobbe, Via IV Giugno, 80. At 9.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 02/97210222

  • Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th May, "Naturally Books"
    Cultural and gastronomic celebration dedicated to publications on the parks. Cultural animations, literary menus, thematic games for children and fair. Guided visits to the white stork reintroduction center. Free participation. Possibility of gastronomical tasting on payment.
    - Zerbolò (PV), Park Center Cascina Venara. At 10.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 02/84891394 (Olduvai Onlus)

  • Sunday 28th May, "Great Treasure Hunt in the Wood"
    Naturalistic tour for kids (8-15 years of age) together with animators, looking for the treasure in the wood. Quizzes, skill trials, and final prize giving. Subscription required.
    Free participation.
    - Motta Visconti (MI), Park Center Geraci. At 2.30 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 347/8298027 (Associazione Ondablu)

  • Sunday 28th May, "Ticino Festival. Padron Lazzaro"
    Theater performance - Teatro del Pettirosso. Free entrance.
    - Bernate Ticino (MI), Canonica Lateranense. At 4.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 0331/964200 (Municipality of Vergiate)

  • Sunday 28th May, "Ticino Festival. Fireworks"
    Music, dances, and video-projections with Alberto Nacci (sax) and Eugenio De Mello (dancing).
    Participation on payment Euros 5,00.
    - Sesto Calende (VA), Sala Consiliare. At 9.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 0331/964200 (Municipality of Vergiate)

  • Sunday 28th May, "Looking for the Mysterious Snakes Living in the Reserve"
    Tour in the woodland to discover the biology and behavior of snakes. Catching some specimens with educational purposes, to observe them live and releasing them afterwards. Free participation for LIPU members. For other people, contribution of at least Euros 5,00.
    - Pontevecchio di Magenta (MI), LIPU Wildlife Recovery Center, Nature Reserve "La Fagiana". At 2.00 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 338/3148603 (LIPU)

  • Sunday 28th May, "Soft rafting along the River Ticino"
    Funny soft-rafting descent along the river stretch between Abbiategrasso and Vigevano (5 km). Booking required. Cost: Euros 26,00 (adults), Euros 22,00 (children under 12 years of age) and Euros 4,00 for the insurance card. For families of at least three persons, 10% reduction.
    - Abbiategrasso (MI), Park Center Colonia Enrichetta. At 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 347/8298027

  • Sunday 28th May, "Back to Fly"
    The birds healed in the Wildlife Recovery Center "La Fagiana" will be freed in the sky of Oasi del Vignolo. Free participation.
    - Garlasco (PV), Oasi LIPU. Bosco del Vignolo di Garlasco. At 2.30 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 349/6774944

  • Sunday 28th May, "Tell me that Tale again, Grandpa!"
    Meeting between grandparents and children on the issue man-nature relationship. Workshop "The World of Grandparents". Walk in the Park looking for the traces left by World War II. Free participation.
    - Lonate Pozzolo (VA), Park Center Dogana. At 2.30 p.m.
    - Info: Tel. 0331/662911 (Park call center)

Program "Parchinfesta!" (PDF, Italian text - 161 Kb)

All the Events of "Parchinfesta!" in the Parks of Lombardy