Quality Brands Product Category PDO - Protected Designation of Origin PGI - Protected Geographical Indication Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs DOCG - Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin DOC - Controlled Designation of Origin IGT - Typical Geographical Indication BIO - Organic Farming Slow Food Presidium Product The Parks Quality Charter
All Preserves Sweets Fresh Herbs Cheese Fruit Liquors and Distilled beverages Honey Oil Vegetables and Legumes Bread Fish Autochthonous Breed and Meat Rice Pasta and Cereals Cold Cuts Truffles Wine Further Products PAT Anise Ring-shaped Cake Like wine ring-shaped cakes, anise ring-shaped cakes boast a long tradition. Their preparation, rath... >> (RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia ) Sweets Biscuits and Other Sweets The are prepared with the flour produced in the agricultural holding. In the shops it is possible to... >> (PR Sud Milano ) Sweets PAT Bonet (Aree protette Po Piemontese ) Sweets PAT Buccellato Features: Ring-shaped sweet cake with a diameter of about 25cm and a thickness of 5 or 6 cm.
Prepar... >> (PR Montemarcello Magra ) Sweets Cacioni, Piegoni or Piegati They can be both sweet and savory. They are similar to a semi-lunar big fritter. The covering consis... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Sweets Canestrelli di Sambuco Delectable handmade biscuits produced in the hamlet of Sambuco, in the hinterland of Voltri, in the ... >> (PR Beigua ) Sweets Canestrelli of Santo Stefano d'Aveto Product features: classical biscuit, ring-shaped with central hole, ideal for breakfast and even bet... >> (PR Aveto ) Sweets PAT Canestrello Definition The name "canestrello" is given to characteristic sweets produced in different areas of P... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese ) Sweets PAT Canestrello of Brugnato Features: Ring-shaped cake, with a diameter of about 20cm. Soft and honey-colored.
Preparation: Sup... >> (PR Montemarcello Magra ) Sweets PAT Canestrello or Canestrelletto Production area: Inland of Genoa, Val Trebbia.
Curiosities: Documented since the 18th century, cane... >> (PR Antola ) Sweets PAT Carignano Zest Definition Carignano Zest are candied citrus fruit peels whose ingredients are only peels and sugar.... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese ) Sweets PAT Caritun Definition The term "caritun" derives from the word "charity", since originally this very simple swe... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese ) Sweets PAT Castagnaccio Production area All the regional territory. Curiosities On celebration days, chestnut flour was ... >> (PR Aveto ) Sweets PAT Castagnaccio The Castagnaccio was prepared with the chestnut flour during the holidays. It is a typical sweet wit... >> (PR Antola ) Sweets PAT Cavagnetto of Brugnato Features: Cake with the shape of a small basket with grip, inside which an egg with shell is placed.... >> (PR Montemarcello Magra ) Sweets PAT Chestnut Canestrelli This canestrello is dark brown and has a crumbly texture and a marked flavor of wood and chestnut. T... >> (PR Antola ) Sweets PAT Chivasso Nocciolini Definition In the field of gastronomy, the tiny sweets called "nocciolini" are the symbol of Chivass... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese ) Sweets PAT Civitella S. Paolo Anise Plait Anise salted bread with the characteristic plait shape. The processing consists of two leavening cyc... >> (RR Tevere Farfa ) Sweets PAT Corn-flour Pastries Definition Corn-flour pastries (called in this area "paste di meliga") are characteristic pastries o... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese ) Sweets PAT Cremino Chocolate Definition Cremino is a chocolate formed by two strata of nut chocolate filled with a chocolate past... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese ) Sweets