  • trasp
    Route 692b, Colle del Ciuco (PR Monti Simbruini) (photo by Servizio Naturalistico Angela Tomei)


279 Itineraries. Results from no. 181 to no. 200Sorting: Georef. > Itinerary


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Georef. ItineraryTravelling method Interest
Castelnuovo MillstonesCastelnuovo Millstones
Itinerary on foot
(PR Veio)
On foot On foot
1 h
 Cerreto - Prato Ventro
Trail 2C
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
1 h 30 m
 Certo Piano - Cesaiese - Prato Ventro
Trail 2D
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
1 h 30 m
 Collalto - Fontaiuta - Monte San Giovanni
Trail 9 - 9A - 9B
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
1 h 30 m
 Collegiove Mt. Cervia
Trail 6C - 6D
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
difficult (the whole ring-route)
3.30 hours (for the whole ring-route)
Divino Amore, Falcognana and MugillaDivino Amore, Falcognana and Mugilla
(PR Appia Antica)
On foot On foot
 F.I.A.S.P. Ring-route "Il Capriolo"
(RR Monte Rufeno)
On foot By bike On foot
4 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
 Follettino Biotope Itinerary
(PR Veio)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Panorama 
 Fontanile del Covito - Rosso Bovo
Trail 5B
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
1 h
 Fonte Le Forche - Monte Filone
Trail 3
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
45 m
Fonte Le Forche - Monte NavegnaFonte Le Forche - Monte Navegna
Trail 1A
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
1 h 30 m
 Fonte Prato Ventro - Le Forche
Trail 2E
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
30 m
 Fonte Reina - Monte Navegna
Trail 1
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
2 h
 Fonte Zio Antonio - Fonte Pietrafinola
Trail 6F
(RR Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia)
On foot On foot
45 m
Formello - SacrofanoFormello - Sacrofano
Itinerary on foot
(PR Veio)
On foot On foot
3 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Formello MillstoneFormello Millstone
Itinerary on foot
(PR Veio)
On foot On foot
1 h
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Formello Millstone (right bank of the river Crèmera)Formello Millstone (right bank of the river Crèmera)
Itinerary on foot
(PR Veio)
On foot On foot
2 h 30 m
Formello Millstone - Grotte FrancaFormello Millstone - Grotte Franca
Itinerary on foot
(PR Veio)
On foot On foot
2 h
Great interest: Panorama 
 From the Laurel Grove to the Pond
(RR Macchiatonda)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 
 From the Pond to the First Small Lake
(RR Macchiatonda)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 

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