Item |
Author/s |
Publisher |
Category |
Price |
Online |
 | | Uccelli delle aree rurali e urbane (Birds of rural and urban areas) I Quaderni del Parco - Volume 8 Series: I Quaderni del Parco (PR Oglio Nord) | Books and other Publications | 8.00 € | |
 | | Uccelli delle aree umide (Birds of the wetlands) I Quaderni del Parco - Volume 6 Series: I Quaderni del Parco (PR Oglio Nord) | Books and other Publications | 5.00 € | |
 | | L'ambiente naturale del Parco del Po e del Morbasco (PLIS Po e Morbasco) | Proceedings and Studies | | |
 |   | Casalmaggiore - Tourist Map of the Town Color brochure (PLIS Golena del Po) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 |  | Der fluss Mincio und die Biodiversität Die Fischfauna des Mincio muss bekannt sein und geschützt werden. (PR Mincio) | Brochures and Booklets | free | |
 | | Il lago di Alserio Author/s: Luciano Ponzoni (PR Valle del Lambro) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 | | Il Parco della Valle del Lambro Author/s: Gev del Parco (PR Valle del Lambro) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 | | Il territorio del torrente Lura (The territory of the Lura stream) (PLIS Sorgenti Lura) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 | | Leaflet of the Environmental Education programme for school years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 (PLIS GruBria) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 | | Map of the Bertone Park Center (PR Mincio) | Brochures and Booklets | free | |
 | | Mappe dei percorsi cliclabili (PR Mincio) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 | | Opuscolo il Parco (PLIS Grugnotorto Villoresi) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 | | Riserva Naturale Isola Boschina: un chicco di terra nel Po Storia, fauna e flora di pregio al centro del Grande Fiume. Ostiglia (MN) (RR Boschi del Giovetto Paline, RR Isola Boschina, RR Monte Alpe, RR Sasso Malascarpa, RR Valle del Prato della Noce, RR Valsolda) | Brochures and Booklets | | |
 | | The game of River Mincio (PR Mincio) | Brochures and Booklets | free | |
 |  | The river Mincio and its biodiversity The native fish fauna of the Mincio River must be known and protected (PR Mincio) | Brochures and Booklets | free | |
 |  | The river Mincio and its Biodiversity The native fish fauna of the Mincio River must be known and protected (PR Mincio) | Brochures and Booklets | free | |
 |  | Valli del Mincio EDEN runner up 2009 (PR Mincio) | Brochures and Booklets | free | |
 | | CD-rom Montagna Sicura - Valle Brembana An instrument to move safely and to discover Valle Brembana Publisher: GeoMedia (PR Orobie Bergamasche) | DVDs, CDs e CD-Rom | 45.00 € | |
 |   | Dvd Author/s: Luigi Cammarota (PR Mincio) | DVDs, CDs e CD-Rom | free | |
 | | DVD "Olmo, anche un albero - il fiume ci racconta" (PR Oglio Sud) | DVDs, CDs e CD-Rom | 8.00 € | |