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VALOR Project
(05 Mag 22) VALOR VALORISATION OF ANCIENT FARMING TECHNIQUES IN RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE   612501-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA CUP: E18I19000090006 The Italian partner of the Erasmus VALOR Project - the Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park - has started the testing phase of...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
VALOR Project: The Italian experimentation of the 'Traditional Agriculture' learning module has started
(17 Ago 20) The second transnational meeting of the VALOR project "Valorisation of ancient farming techniques in resilient and sustainable agriculture" 612501-EPP-1-2019-1-EN-EPPKA2-KA took place online on 29th and 30th July. The VALOR project, co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
Second transnational meeting of the VALOR project
Other identified premises are the Veterinary Preventive Medicine Institute of Umbria and Marche, in Tolentino, and the Regional Centre for Civil Protection, in Foligno
(02 Nov 16) Monti Sibillini National Park has currently no access to its institutional headquarters, as the offices are located within the Red Zone of Visso, and are not usable at the moment. In the last few days, meetings took place between local authorities and Park managers, in primis...
Protected area: PN Monti Sibillini  |  Fonte: PN Monti Sibillini
Sibillini National Park remains in Visso
Are you planning your visit to the Park? Here is what you need to know
(01 Ago 16) The Park's website has been optimized so that it can be visited on your smartphone. View the "Oggi nel Parco"  section to find out the activities planned by local staff. Click here for the full programme and details on hiking, cultural, musical activities and...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
What to do in the Park in summer
Some rules resulting from experience and wisdom, to go to the mountain safely and to safeguard the environment
(18 Lug 16) Best practices for hiking (in collaboration with the hiking guides). 1. Choose the hiking itinerary taking into consideration your physical and technical skills; gain all the necessary information about the area you are going to vis...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
Tips for hikers
How you should behave when you find the cubs of wild animal species
(29 Giu 16) BEHAVE LIKE A SAVAGE Behaviors that are natural for human beings could sometimes prove to be dangerous towards the wild animals we would like to help. From late winter to early autumn you will easily chance on wild animals that might look forsaken or in trouble. They are actually cubs ...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
(01 Giu 16) The Gran Sasso and Laga Mountains National Park, after the encouraging results obtained by the Cerere, Demetra, Persefone and Feronia projects, that made it possible to register and spread a great local plant variety and to create a network of guardian farmers, intends to continue th...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
'Legumi&Legumi': the Park is looking for young people to defend biodiversity
Finding and study by Fabio Conti, in charge of the CRFA - Centro Ricerche Floristiche dell'Apennino (Apennine's Flowers Research Center)
(11 Feb 16) A new species belonging to the Crassulaceae family, including the spontaneous succulent plants, was described by Fabio Conti, in charge of the scientific department of the CRFA of the Gran Sasso - Laga National Park. The researcher of the University of Camerino, which manages the Cen...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
Sedum Aquilanum ph. F. Conti
Sedum Aquilanum ph. F. Conti
The Park commits to enhancing the territory's most excellent features
(03 Feb 16) Ten routes to tell, popularize and foster the genuineness and the quality of Gran Sasso and Laga Mountains National Park's products. This is the task undertaken towards visitors, tourists and operators by the new guide 'Itinerari enogastronomici', which has been newly published by th...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
The guide entitled 'Itinerari gastronomici' (Gastronomic itineraries) has been published
(27 Giu 15) A new Life project will keep the Gran Sasso and Laga Mountains National Park busy for the next five years: the project is called M.I.R.C.O. Lupo - "Strategie per minimizzare l'impatto del randagismo canino sulla conservazione del lupo in Italia" (Strategies for minimizing the impacts...
Protected area: PN Gran Sasso  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso
MIRCO Lupo Life Project: the Park involves the territory in the preliminary actions
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