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141 Items. Results from no. 21 to no. 40 (Sorting: Category > Item)


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Item Author/s Publisher Category Price Online
 Cuore di Parco
Ecotourism Itineraries in Madonie Park
Author/s: Claudia Mirto
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Maps and Guidebooks6.00 €  Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
 Alberi monumentali delle Madonie
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications10.00 €  Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
 Bollettino 2002. Materiali per una Storia Culturale delle Madonie
Author/s: AA.VV.
Publisher: L'Agrifoglio - Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications12.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Dalla dittatura alla democrazia in un paese delle Madonie - Petralia Sottana
Author/s: Francesco Figlia
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications16.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
deDer Madonien Park
Die Pflanzenwelt - Die Tierwelt - Reise durch den Park - Wanderungen - Die Städte - Nützliche Informationen
Author/s: Francesco Alaimo
Publisher: Fabio Orlando Editore
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications13.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
itenI funghi delle Madonie / Fungi of the Madonie
In Italian and English
Author/s: Giuseppe Venturella
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications6.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 I mammiferi del Parco (The Park's mammals)
Author/s: Maurizio Sarà
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications7.50 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
enItinerary Stones and Water
Tufo Gipsi - Sant'Otiero
Author/s: Alessandro Torre, Fabio Torre, Antonio Spinnato
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications1.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Collezione Collisani e la Grotta del Vecchiuzzo
Author/s: Comune di Petralia Sottana
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Madonna dell'Alto
History, faith, and tradition
Author/s: Damiano Geraci
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications5.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Le farfalle diurne (The Diurnal Butterflies)
Knowing them to Protect them
Author/s: Amedeo Falci - Ente Parco delle Madonie
Publisher: Paruzzo Editore
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications7.50 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Le Madonie. Culture e Società
Author/s: Mario Giacomarra
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications7.50 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Lithographs of Madonie Park
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications15.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
deMadonie Kirchen-und Volksfeste in den Gemeinden des Naturparks
Author/s: Vincenzo Anselmo
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications6.50 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
enMadonie Religious and Folklore Festivities in the Towns and Villages in the Park
Author/s: Vincenzo Anselmo
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications6.50 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Natura e Cultura. Castellana Sicula nel Parco delle Madonie
planimetry of the municipal territory attached
Author/s: Mario G. Giacomarra
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications9.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Neviere e nevaioli
The storage and sale of snow in central-western Sicily (1500-1900)
Author/s: Luigi Romana
Publisher: Ente Parco delle Madonie
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications15.00 €  Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
 Ninghili Ninghili
The oral tradition of San Mauro Castelverde
Author/s: Giovanni Nicolosi
Publisher: Edizioni Fotograf
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications15.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
enOrchids - The Madonie Park
Knowing them to Protect them
Author/s: Amedeo Falci, S. Antoine Giardina
Publisher: Paruzzo Editore
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications7.50 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Parco delle Madonie
The Plant World - The Animal World - Journey in the Park - Excursions - Towns and Villages - Useful Information
Author/s: Francesco Alaimo
Publisher: Fabio Orlando Editore
(PR Madonie)
Books and other Publications13.00 €  Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi

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