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(27 Set 16) A delegation of the Korea National Park Service (KNPS) led by the Director Chung-Kuk Chung visited the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park. The Korea National Park Service, established in 1987, has about 2100 employees and manages a network of 21 National Parks representing the 6.7% of the ...
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PN Dolomiti Bellunesi | Fonte:
PN Dolomiti BellunesiThe environmental education program of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park starts again
(19 Set 16) "A scuola nel Parco" is the title of the environmental program organized by the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park for the kindergartens, the primary and the secondary schools. The proposed programs are structured, and the teachers can choose from half-day or one-day guided hikes, worksh...
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PN Dolomiti Bellunesi | Fonte:
PN Dolomiti Bellunesi(21 Lug 16) The brochure about the LIFE 14 NAT/IT/000809 - LIFE SILIFFE project is now available. A simple means informing the citizens about the activities and the goals of the project to improve the ecosystem of the Sile river....
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PR Fiume Sile | Fonte:
PR Fiume Sile(20 Giu 16) The Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park has been awarded the TripAdvisor 2016 Certificate of Excellence as tourist attraction. "This recognition" - said the Park's Director, Mr. Antonio Andrich - "arrives a few months after the achievement of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism...
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PN Dolomiti Bellunesi | Fonte:
PN Dolomiti Bellunesi(17 Giu 16) The implementation of the conservation actions provided by the SILIFFE Project goes on. In particular, the action C6 about the "Control and eradication of the Procambarus clarkii", aimed at controlling the allochthonous shrimp species threatening the conservation status of the autochthonous ones...
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PR Fiume Sile | Fonte:
PR Fiume Sile(17 Giu 16) The implementation of the conservation actions provided by the SILIFFE Project goes on. In particular, the action C4 about the "Interventions for the autochthonous water fauna" aims at restoring the biodiversity and especially the fish species of community interest, such as the brown trout. On T...
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PR Fiume Sile | Fonte:
PR Fiume SileOn May 17th and 18th, 2016
(25 Mag 16) On May 17th and 18th, 2016, the Ente Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile met Mr. Angelino Carta, monitor and supervisor of the LIFE14 NAT/IT/000809 - LIFE SILIFFE Project on behalf of the European Commission. The inspection on Tuesday 17th took place in the lands involved in the actions prov...
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PR Fiume Sile | Fonte:
PR Fiume Sile(23 Mar 16) The Siliffe Life Project for the improving of Sile river's habitats and species is starting its first activities. Two information meetings have been planned to involve the subjects who work and live in the territory everyday. The first meeting will take place in the Park's head office ...
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PR Fiume Sile | Fonte:
PR Fiume Sile(02 Mar 16) On February 23rd the Life SILIFFE Project was presented at the Auditorium Province of Treviso. The project, launched in September 2015, aims at directing the Park's management towards an environmental improvement of the riverbanks and towards an increase in the biodiversity both of he riverbanks...
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PR Fiume Sile | Fonte:
PR Fiume SileIt is the sixth business in Venetia and the first one in Belluno's territory which has been awarded the European mark
(01 Giu 12) A stylized flower consisting of a big letter "E" surrounded by 12 stars instead of by petals: it is the Ecolabel mark of the European Union many of you might have noticed on some products at the supermarket.The mark allows the consumers to find the products which meet the high standards co...
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PN Dolomiti Bellunesi | Fonte:
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