Logo Riserva Naturale delle Falesie di Duino

Riserva Naturale delle Falesie di Duino

Opening image Riserva Naturale delle Falesie di Duino
The reserve includes an area of steep calcareous coast made of fossil limestone of the Cretaceous period and characterized by falesias, which limit the access to the sea, and some Mediterranean chalk deposits. The high cliffs of this area are the only example in the whole northern Adriatic sea. The reserve also includes the portion of sea in front of the cliffs. On the edge of the brand white falesias that sheer to sea is situated the panoramic path dedicated to the poet Rilke..
The vegetation of these walls is mostly Mediterranean and the fauna's best examples are the raven, the peregrine falcon and the Blue rock Thrush.
Where in Italy Riserva Naturale delle Falesie di Duino

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