Logo Riserva Naturale Lago di Cornino

Riserva Naturale Lago di Cornino

Giornata Europea dei Parchi

Opening image Riserva Naturale Lago di Cornino
The area of the reserve is characterized by a beautiful landscape and extends between the south-eastern rocky spurs of Prealpi Carniche and the alluvial plain of the river Tagliamento (with the homonimous lake).
Because of the Karst formations, the morphology of the reserve is rugged and wild. The vegetation, although confined to a limited surface, is extremely various and includes the formations of Ilex which grow on the mountain walls. The fauna is rich with numerous species (the birds of prey are very common) living in different habitats.
The griffon-vulture has been succesfully re-introduced in the area as a nesting species.
Where in Italy Riserva Naturale Lago di Cornino



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