The reserve is situated in the southeastern part of the province of Trieste. The area includes a nice valley deeply furrowed by the torrent Rosandra, which is the only visible water-course in the Italian Carso. Within the reserve is situated Monte Cocusso (670m), the highest peak in the karst region that surrounds Trieste .
The reserve is crossed by a jointing fault between limestones and flysch that, together with the changeable orography and the presence of wind, makes the local flora particularly rich with many endemic and rare speciesche, unita alla variabilità dell'orografia e alla ventosità, determinano una particolare ricchezza della flora del luogo che manifesta molti endemismi e la presenza di specie certamente rare.
The area is extremely interesting for the amphibians and reptiles and, in the wooded zones, for the avifauna. |