National Parks
Marine Parks
Nature Reserves
Marine Reserves
Private Reserves
- Flower Forest
- Welchman Hall Gully
Wildlife Reserves
Other Protected Areas
- Chancery Lane Swamp
- Graeme Hall Swamp Reserve
- Harrison's Cave
- Jack-in-the-Box Gully
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
Protected Areas in the Barbados
The National Conservation Commission is a department of the Ministry of the Environment, Water Resources, and Drainage. It has played a crucial role in the enhancement of the environment and the conservation of natural flora and fauna over the years, as well as working on the preservation and sustainability of the Barbadian environment. The NCC, formerly the Parks and Beaches Commission, was established in 1970 and is in charge of environmental management. Its functions are many and varied, and include:
- the conservation of the natural beauty, topographic features, historic buildings, sites and monuments of Barbados
- the control, maintenance and development of public parks, public gardens, beaches of Barbados.
Source: National Conservation Commission