Parks, Reserves, and Other Protected Areas in |
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Protected Areas in Brazil
Brazil is characterized by a complex system of conservation units. As a matter of fact, 2,61% of the national territory is covered by strict protected areas and 5,52% by areas dedicated to sustainable development, for a total of 8,13% of the national territory. However, this figure is slightly overestimated, since many areas of environmental protection (APAs) include one or more conservation units dedicated to indirect use. The conservation units managed by Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renovaveis (IBAMA) cover approximately 45 million hectares and include about 256 conservation units of direct or indirect use, among which Areas of Environmental Protection, Biological Reserves, Ecological Stations, National Forests, Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest, National Parks, several Natural Heritage Private Reserves, and Wildlife Sanctuaries.
There are also several conservation units that are managed by the Brazilian states, and cover about 22 million hectares.
Moreover, there are wetlands protected as Ramsar sites:
- Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentado Mamirauá
- Área de Proteção Ambiental da Baixada Maranhense
- Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe
- Área de Proteção Ambiental das Reentrâncias Maranhenses
- Parque Estadual Marinho do Parcel de Manuel Luiz
- Parque Nacional do Araguaia
- Parque Nacional do Pantanal Matogrossense
- Reseva Particular do Patrimônio Natural do SESC Pantanal
and Biosphere Reserves:
- Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica
- Reserva da Biosfera do Cerrado
- Reserva da Biosfera do Pantanal
Main Categories of Protected Areas
Area of Environmental Protection: it is a rather large area characterized by a considerable population density and with abiotic, biotic, aesthetic, or cultural features of great importance, above all for the quality of life and well-ness of man. Protecting biological diversity, regulating the settlement processes, and ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources are among its main aims.
Wildlife Sanctuary: this protected area aims at protecting the natural environments ensuring the conditions for the survival and reproduction of species or communities belonging to the local flora and to resident or migratory fauna.
Biological Reserve: it aims at strictly safeguarding the natural aspects within its borders, avoiding direct human interference or environmental changes, through measures to recover altered ecosystems and management actions necessary to recover or maintain the natural balance, biological diversity, and natural ecological processes.
Ecological Station: it aims at safeguarding nature and carrying out scientific research activities.
National Park: it aims at preserving natural ecosystems of great beauty and ecological importance, giving the opportunity to carry out scientific research activities or developing environmental education and interpretation activities, as well as promoting recreational activities at direct contact with nature and ecological tourism.
Area of Considerable Ecological Interest: not very large area, with a scarce population density and extraordinary natural features of great importance at a regional and local level.
Sustainable Development Reserve: natural area including traditional populations whose existence is based on sustainable systems of exploitation of the natural resources which have been developed generation after generation and adapted to local ecological conditions. They play an essential role in the protection of nature and maintenance of biological diversity.
Source: Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renovaveis (IBAMA), Ministério do Meio Ambiente
National Parks
Ecological Stations
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
National Parks
- Cabo Orange
- Montanhas do Tumucumaque
Biological Reserves
Ecological Stations
National Parks
Biological Reserves
Ecological Stations
- Anavilhanas
- Juami-Japurá
- Jutaí-Solimões
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
- Javari Buriti
- Projecto Dinâmica Biológica de Fragmentos Florestais
National Parks
Biological Reserves
- Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo
- Rio Trombetas
- Tapirapé
Ecological Stations
Sustainable Development Reserves
Areas of Environmental Protection
National Parks
- Pacaás Novos
- Serra da Cutia
Biological Reserves
Ecological Stations
National Parks
- Monte Roraima
- Serra de Mocidade
- Viruá
Ecological Stations
National Parks
Ecological Stations
Biological Reserves
Ecological Stations
Areas of Environmental Protection
National Parks
- Chapada Diamantina
- Descobrimento
- Monte Pascoal
- Pau Brasil
National Marine Parks
Biological Reserves
Ecological Stations
Wildlife Sanctuaries
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
National Parks
Ecological Stations
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Chapada do Araripe
- Jericoacoara
- Serra da Ibiapaba
National Parks
- Chapada das Mesas
- Lençois Maranhenses
Biological Reserves
Biological Reserves
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
- Manguezais da Foz do Rio Mamanguape
- Vale dos Dinossauros
Areas of Environmental Protection
National Parks
National Marine Parks
Biological Reserves
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Costa dos Corais
- Fernando de Noronha
National Parks
- Nascentes do Rio Parnaiba
- Serra da Capivara
- Serra das Confusões
- Sete Cidades
Ecological Stations
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Delta do Parnaíba
- Serra da Tabatinga
Rio Grande do Norte
Biological Reserves
Ecological Stations
National Parks
Biological Reserves
Distrito Federal
National Parks
Biological Reserves
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Bacia do Rio Descoberto
- Bacia do Rio São Bartolomeu
- Planalto Central
National Parks
- Chapada dos Veadeiros (www)
- Emas
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Meandros do Rio Araguaia
- Nascentes de Rio Vermelho
Mato Grosso
National Parks
- Chapada dos Guimarães
- Pantanal Matogrossense
Ecological Stations
- Iquê
- Serra das Araras
- Taiamã
Mato Grosso do Sul
National Parks
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Ilhas e Várzeas do Rio Paraná
Espírito Santo
National Parks
Biological Reserves
- Augusto Ruschi
- Comboios
- Córrego do Veado
- Córrego Grande
- Sooretama
Minas Gerais
National Parks
- Caparao
- Cavernas do Peruaçu
- Grande Sertão Veredas
- Sempre Vivas
- Serra da Canastra
- Serra da Cipó
Biological Reserves
Ecological Stations
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Carste de Lagoa Santa
- Cavernas do Peruaçu
- Morro da Pedreira
- Serra de Mantiqueira
Rio de Janeiro
National Parks
- Itatiaia
- Restinga de Jurubatiba
- Serra dos Órgãos (www)
- Tijuca
Biological Reserves
- Poço das Antas
- Tinguá
- União
Ecological Stations
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Bacia do Rio São João - Mico Leão - Dourado
- Cairuçu
- Guapi-Mirim
- Petrópolis
São Paulo
National Parks
Ecological Stations
- Mico Leão Preto
- Tupinambás
- Tupiniquins
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
- Ilha Ameixal
- Ilhas Queimada Grande e Queimada Pequena
- Mata de Santa Genebra
- Matão de Cosmópolis
- Pé-de-Gigante
- Vassununga
Areas of Environmental Protection
National Parks
- Iguaçu (www)
- Ilha Grande
- Saint-Hilaire/Lange
- Superagui
Ecological Stations
Areas of Environmental Protection
Rio Grande do Sul
National Parks
- Aparados da Serra
- Lagoa do Peixe
- Serra Geral
Ecological Stations
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
- Pontal dos Latinos e Pontal dos Santiagos
Areas of Environmental Protection
Santa Catarina
National Parks
- Araucárias
- São Joaquim
- Serra do Itajaí
Marine Biological Reserves
Wildlife Sanctuaries
Ecological Stations
Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest
- Serra das Abelhas e Rio da Prata
Areas of Environmental Protection
- Anhatomirim
- Baleia Franca