What's New
International Cooperation Program

The experience of Parco Naturale dei Laghi di Avigliana and of the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology, and Ecology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Turin with the Republic of Cuba
The experience began in the year 2000 with the Convention signed between Parco Naturale dei Laghi di Avigliana and the Ciénega de Zapata National Park and Biosphere Reserve, according to which the two subjects became Twinned Protected Areas.
The initiative is also joined by:
- the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Turin
- the University of Agriculture of Havana
- C.I.T.M.A. (Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment)
There are further ongoing collaboration activities with the Faculty of Agriculture of Havana and the Municipality of San José de Las Lajas.
The goals of the initiative are:
- cultural cooperation among the parties;
- promotion of policies of sustainable social, economic, and cultural development, also through practical initiatives;
- solution to common technical problems;
- accomplishment of cooperation programs and projects for the management of the Protected Areas;
- production of illustrative and promotional material;
- updating, training, and exchange of staff.

Ongoing Initiatives
Conservation Project for the Cuban Amazon Parrot
Parco dei Laghi di Avigliana, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Turin and the Faculty of Veterinary of Havana are carrying out a project on the conservation of the Cuban Amazon Parrot (Amazona leucocephala), an endemic but endangered Cuban parrot. The project aims first of all at restoring a breeding station of the Amazon Parrot within Ciénaga de Zapata National Park, and at improving its management.
Thanks to a financing offered by the Municipality of Turin, it has been possible to start the first phase of the project. Afterwards, the station will be transformed into a study and environmental education center dealing with biodiversity in general and with the ecology of the Cuban parrots in particular.
Collaboration in the Publication of the Guidebook “La Ciénega de Zapata - Historia y Naturaleza”
Recovery of the Ecological Station "Fermin Cervera"
Recovery of the Ecological Station "Fermin Cervera" in Santo Tomás, building an environmental education and information center for students and visitors. The initiative will give the opportunity to combine scientific activities with the tourist training of the area, giving to Santo Tomás, a community consisting of less than 200 inhabitants in Ciénaga de Zapata National Park, an important source of income.
- Cost of the initiative: 39.923 Euros + 110.000 Psos Cu.
financed in the following manner:
- Euros 28.406 by Regione Piemonte - Settore Affari Istituzionali.
- Euros 11.517 by the Organization in charge.
Psos Cu. 110.000 by the Cuban partner.

Completion of the Traditional Natural Medicine Center in San José de Las Lajas
The initiative is carried out with the partnership of Poder Popular from the Municipality of San José de Las Lajas, of the Municipal Departments of Health, Job, and Social Assistance, and of the Building and Maintenance Group of Havana. The aim is to complete a structure which is already working in the field of Traditional Natural Medicine.
In this way, through the community of Rio Blanco, the whole community of San José de Las Lajas will have the possibility to use the structure (about 50,000 contact/year).
- Cost of the initiative:
- 7.474 Euros from Settori Affari Istituzionali e Parchi della Regione Piemonte and the promoter.
- 40.246 Psos Cu. from the Cuban partner.
The Developments of the Project
A subsequent planning stage wants to face the problem of "Sustainability", aware that through the promotion of concepts and methodologies according to which actions must be considered within ecologically compatible and sustainable systems, the typical principles of the Protected Areas - conservation and services to the citizen - can find adequate response in a larger social texture involving also the remaining territory.
The initiative, called "Improvement of the Life Conditions and Sustainable Development of the Settlements in Rio Blanco and Santo Tomás" consists of two projects working on the Sustainable and Ecocompatible Development of Small Rural Communities through infrastructural and structural measures in the field of social and alimentary safety.
- Funding necessary for the measures regarding Rio Blanco:
- Regione Piemonte: 60.000 Euros (in the period 2003-2005).
- Promoter: 6.000 Euros.
- Cuban partner: 120.000 Psos Cu.
- Funding necessary for the measures regarding Santo Tomás:
- 13.639 Euros + 92.045 Psos Cu. + 126.000 USD.