Nature Parks
- Barareiro e Figueira - Maio
- Boreira, Cha das Caldeiras e Pico Novo - Fogo
- Cova/Ribeiras Paul/Torre - Santo Antão
- Monte Gordo - S.Nicolau (www)
- Monte Verde - S Vincente (www)
- Morocos-Santo Antão (www)
- Parque Natural do Norte - Boa Vista
- Serra da Malagueta - Santiago (www)
- Serra do pico de Antonia - Santiago
- Tope de Coroa - Santo Antão
Nature Reserves
- Boa Esperanca - Boa Vista
- Casas Velhas - Maio
- Costa da Fragata - Sal
- Cruzinha-Santo Antão
- Ilheu Baluarte
- Ilheu Curral Velho
- Ilheu Raso
- Ilheus Secos ou do Rombo
- Lagoa Cimidor - Maio
- Monte do Alto das Cabacas - S.Nicolau
- Morro de Areia - Boa Vista
- Ponta de sino - Sal
- Ponta do Sol - Boa Vista
- Praia do Morro - Maio
- Rabo de Junco - Sal
- Santa Luzia - Santa Luzia
- Serra Negra - Sal
- Tataruga - Boa Vista
- Terras Salgadas - Maio
Marine Nature Reserves
Integral Reserves
- Cova Tina
- llheus Branco e Raso
- llheus do Rombo - llheus do Rombo
Integral Natural Reserves
- llheu de Baluarte - Boa Vista
- llheu de Curral Velho
- llheu dos Passaros - Boa Vista
Protected Landscapes
- Buracona-Ragona - Sal
- Curral Velho - Boa Vista
- Monte Cacador e Pico Forcado - Boa Vista
- Monte Grande - Sal
- Monte Penoso e Monte Branco - Maio
- Monte Santo Antonio - Maio
- Pombas - Santo Antão
- Salinas de Pedra Lume e Cagarral - Sal
- Salinas de Porto Ingles - Maio
- Salinas de santa Maria - Sal
Natural Monuments
- llheu de Sal-Rei
- Monte Estancia - Boa Vista
- Monte Santo Antonio - Boa Vista
- Morrinho do acucar
- Morrinho do Filho - Sal
- Rocha Estancia - Boa Vista
Other Protected Areas
- Baia de Santa Clara, Island of Santiago
- Boa Entrada, Island of Santiago
- Fogo Island
- Ilheu S. Nicolau
- Ilheu Sal
- Ilheus Maio
- Ilheus Santiago
- Island of S. Antão
- North Coast, Boavista Island
- Sal Rei, Boavista Island
Designation not Known
Protected Areas in Cape Verde
According to the information provided by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Center, in 1992 no protected area existed in Cape Verde, even if several areas had been considered for their creation. Therefore, already in 1992 the future establishement of protected areas was on the program in areas characterized by ecosystems typical of the islands or by habitats with rare and/or endemic species.
According to the data of the updated World Database of Protected Areas, from 1992 to today, Nature Parks and Reserves, Integral Reserves, Protected Landscapes, Natural Monuments, and other protected areas you will find in this page have been established.
Protected Areas Project - UNDP/GEF Project Number CVI/03/007, in collaboration with Ministerio do Ambiente, Agricultura e Pescas - Direcção Geral do Ambiente
The goal of this project is to establish Cape Verde’s first network of protected areas with the purpose of conserving globally significant biodiversity. A sample of unique ecosystems have been chosen to represent just a fraction of the countries captivating beauty. The project is designed to educate and empower the citizens of Cape Verde so that they may restore and conserve their unique island ecosystem against further degradation.
Sources: UNEP-WCMC, Direcção Geral do Ambiente - Areas Protegidas