Territorial Parks
Ornithological Reserves
Integral Reserves
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
Protected Areas in Djibouti
Djibouti (formerly a French colony "Territoire Française des Afars et des Issars") became independent from France in 1977.
The Forêt du Day was declared a national park in 1939 by the then governor of the country.
The Office National du Tourisme et de l'Artisanat within the Ministry of Commerce, Transport and Tourism (Ministère du Commerce,des Transports et du Tourisme) is responsible for the protection of the environment. Within this office, a Section for the protection of sites and environment (Service de la Protection des Sites et de l'Environnement) was created in 1986.
*Parc territorial (Territorial park) Prohibited activities include: fishing of any sort; collection of coral and shellfish.
*Réserve intégrale (Strict reserve) All aquatic and subaquatic activities are prohibited.
Sources: World Database on Protected Areas, UNEP-WCMC