National Parks
- Cabrits
- Indian River
- Morne Diablotin
- Morne Trois Pitons
- Soufriere Sulphur Springs
Forest Reserves
Marine Reserves
Primeval Reserves
Protected Forests
- Stewart Hall Water Catchment
World Heritage Convention
- Morne Trois Pitons National Park
Protected Areas in Dominica
The Forestry, Wildlife & Parks Division operates under the auspices of three important pieces of natural resources legislation. The Forestry and Wildlife Act was passed in 1976, and was amended on two occasions.
The Forests Act was enacted in 1958, and regulates forestry activities in forest reserves.
The National Parks & Protected Areas Act was enacted in 1975, and provides for the management and regulation of activities within the system of national parks and protected areas (as defined under that Act) on the island. The National Parks Act was amended in 1997 to make regulations for the collection of fees at ecotourist sites on the island.
(taken from the 2003 Annual Report of Dominica's Forestry & Wildlife Division)
Source: Dominica's Forestry & Wildlife Division; WCPA